Scene 406 同事相处(在线收听

Scene 406 同事相处

❶ 我找不到他在工作中任何好的表现。I can't find any good performance indicators in his work.

同类表达 I don't like him and to be honest, I look down on him. 我不喜欢他,说实话我瞧不起他。

❷ 他很热情友善。He is very warm and friendly.

同类表达 John is a good guy, and I get along well with him. 约翰人不错,我和他很合得来。

❸ 说实话,我真的受不了汤姆。Honestly, I am really fed up with Tom!

同类表达 Tom really has a bad temper. 汤姆脾气真坏。

Tom always puts on airs. 汤姆经常摆架子。

❹ 他对我很蛮横。He treats me as if I'm his enemy.

同类表达 She always snubs me. 她总是对我爱答不理的。

❺ 你得小心他。Watch out for him.

同类表达 He always takes the lion's share. 他总是占别人的便宜。

He always passes the buck to others. 他总是将责任推卸给别人。

❻ 我是站在你这边的。I'm on your side.

对话 A: The president showed his disapproval of my plan. 总裁不赞成我的计划。

B: But I'm on your side. Don't lose your heart. 但我是站在你这边的。别泄气。

❼ 我讨厌爱拍马屁的人。I don't like brownnosers.

同类表达 I don't like anybody who flatters me too much. 我不喜欢对我过分恭维的人。

I don't like flatterers. 我不喜欢阿谀奉承的人。

He is always pleasing our manager. 他总是讨好我们经理。

❽ 他那样对你说话也太无礼了。He was rude to say that to you.

对话 A: He was rude to say that to you. 他那样对你说话也太无礼了。

B: He always treats me like that. 他总是那样对我。

❾ 我非常感激他。I'm deeply indebted to him.

对话 A: He offered you so much help. 他帮了你很多。

B: I'm deeply indebted to him. 我非常感激他。

❿ 玛丽很有领导能力。Mary has perfect leadership.

同类表达 All the followers like her. 所有的部下都喜欢她。
