Scene 486 合约(在线收听

Scene 486 合约

❶ 合约一旦签署就具有法律效力。Once a contract is signed, it has legal effect.

同类表达 The contract will come into force as soon as it is signed by two sides. 合约一经双方签署立即生效。

❷ 每笔交易都需要签一份合同吗?Do you always sign a contract for every deal?

对话 A: Do you always sign a contract for every deal? 每笔交易都需要签一份合同吗?

B: Yes. It can guarantee the interests of both sides. 是的,这样能保障双方的利益。

❸ 合约规定如果你们延迟交货,将被罚款。The contract states that you will be charged a penalty if there is a delay in delivery.

同 类 表 达 The contract states that the loss should be charged by the side breaking the contract. 合约规定损失应由违约方承担。

❹ 我能请您解释一下这项条款吗?May I ask how you understand this article?

同类表达 I don't quite understand this article. 我不是十分理解这项条款。

❺ 我想我们应该修改一下这项条款的措辞。I think we should make some changes in the wording of this article.

同类表达 I want to replace this phrase with“after the date of delivery”. 我想将这个措辞换成“交货之后”。

❻ 我觉得草拟合同需要做一些修改。I think the draft contract needs some modification.

同类表达 Do you have any comment on this clause? 你对这项条款有什么意见?

❼ 签署合约的任何一方都无权违约。No party who has signed the contract has the right to break it.

同类表达 No changes can be made without mutual consent. 未经双方同意,不能做出修改。

❽ 合约一旦签订,就应严格执行。Once the contract is signed, it must be strictly implemented.

❾ 如果一方不履行合约,另外一方则有权终止合约。If one party fails to implement the contract, the other party is entitled to cancel it.

同类表达 The seller has the option of canceling the contract. 卖方有权撤销合约。

❿ 如果期限到了,双方没有续约,则合约自动失效。If both parties do not renew the contract at its expiration, it will automatically become void.
