Scene 487 签合同(在线收听

Scene 487 签合同

❶ 我们最好签个合同。We'd better sign a contract.

同类表达 We only have a verbal agreement so far. 目前我们只有口头协议。

❷ 请在此签名以示证明。Sign your name here to certify.

同类表达 We can't sign the contract yet. 我们还不能在合同上签字。

Where do you want me to sign? 你要我签在哪里?

❸ 你们对于和供应商的合同还有什么问题吗?Do you have any problems about the contract with our supplier?

这样回答We have agreed on all of the terms in the contract. 我们对合同各项条款全无异议。

❹ 他们起草了一份新合同。They drafted a new contract.

同类表达 We need to make some changes to this contract. 这份合同有几个地方需要修改。

❺ 保险起见,还是把内容写下来吧。Get it in writing, to be safe.

同类表达 We can sign the contract at the next meeting. 我们可以下次开会的时候签合同。

❻ 我们不想留下任何漏洞。We don't want to leave any loopholes.

对话 A: Are you ready to sign? 准备好签字了吗?

B: Let me have a look again. We don't want to leave any loopholes. 我再看一遍。我们不想留下任何漏洞。

❼ 请您过目。Please have a look.

对话 A: Please have a look. 请您过目。

B: Alright. Give me some minutes. 好的。给我些时间。

❽ 该合同的有效期是多长?How long will the contract last?

同类表达 I'd like to suggest a five-year contract. 我建议我们签一份为期五年的合约。

❾ 很高兴我们最终签订了合同。I'm pleased that we have finally signed the contract.

同类表达 We're fully satisfied with the terms of the contract. 我们非常满意这份合约的条款。

❿ 咱们握个手吧,庆祝生意谈成了。Let's celebrate the conclusion of the transaction by shaking hands.

同类表达 The successful conclusion of the transaction certainly calls for some celebration.生意谈成了,当然要庆祝一下。
