Scene 488 其他谈判(在线收听

Scene 488 其他谈判

❶ 我们正在考虑与贵方搞合资经营。We are thinking of participating with you in a joint venture.

❷ 你们合资经营的条款和条件是什么?What are your terms and conditions on joint participation?

同 类 表 达 If you have interest in establishing a joint venture with us, what are your requirements? 如果你们有兴趣与我们建立合资企业,你们的要求是什么?

❸ 我们双方各投资50%的资金,盈利对分。Each of us shall invest 50% capital and share the profit equally.

同类表达 Net profit will be distributed according to the parties' respective shares. 净利润将按照投资双方的股份进行分配。

❹ 我们缺少流动资金。We are short of working capital.

同类表达 How much and how long do you need? 你们需多少钱,贷多长时间呢?

❺ 我们计划用贷款扩大企业规模。We plan to expand our business with the loan.

同类表达 My purpose of coming here is to apply for a loan. 我来此的目的就是申请贷款。

❻ 出资比率是多少?What is the ratio of funding?

这样回答 What about 52% from our side, 48% from your side? 我方52%,你方48%怎么样?

❼ 投标前我们需要了解招标条件的所有细节。Before submitting the tender, we need to know all the details about the bid conditions.

同类表达 You haven't submitted any preliminary tenders. 您还没有提交任何初期投标。

❽ 投标人提交投标的时间定在什么时候?What's the time set for the bidders to submit their tenders?

这样回答 We're going to open the tender on October 10th. 我们将在10月10日开标。

❾ 我们两家公司合并后,市场份额翻了一番。After the merger of our two companies, the market share has gone up by 200%.

❿ 作为一家风险投资公司,我们为其他企业融资。As a venture capital company, we finance other businesses.

同类表达 Our plan is to acquire five companies on the verge of bankruptcy in the next five years. 我们的计划是在五年内收购五家濒临破产的公司。
