Scene 490 报价(在线收听

Scene 490 报价

❶ 我们的价格是净价,不含佣金。Our price is net without commission.

同类表达 Are these prices wholesale or retail? 这些价格是批发价还是零售价?

❷ 我们很乐意给您一个详细的报价。We are pleased to submit you a detailed quotation.

❸ 如果你们考虑质量的话,我们的价格极具竞争力。Our prices are highly competitive if you consider quality.

同类表达 I'm sure you'll find our prices are very competitive. 我相信你会发现我们的价格很有竞争力。

❹ 如果贵公司订货数量够大,价格我们还可以考虑。We may reconsider our price if your order is big enough.

同类表达 If you can tell me the approximate quantity, I can quote you a more accurate price.如果您能告诉我大致的订购数量,我就能给您更精确的报价。

❺ 质量越好通常意味着价钱越高。Better quality usually means a higher price.

同类表达 You should take the quality into consideration. 您应该考虑一下质量问题。

❻ 这些产品都是我们的畅销商品。All these articles are our best-selling lines.

同类表达 Taking the quality into consideration, I believe the price is reasonable. 考虑到产品的质量,我相信这个价格是合理的。

❼ 我们还价如下。Our counteroffer is as follows.

同类表达 Please make us your best possible counteroffer. 请给我们你们最有利的还价。

❽ 你的还价不符合目前的市场价格。Your counteroffer is not up to the present market level.

同类表达 Our counteroffer is reasonable. 我们的还价是合理的。

The price you offer is not in line with the prevailing market price. 贵方报价与现行市场价不符。

❾ 我们不可能接受贵方的还价。It's impossible for us to accept your counteroffer.

同类表达 I appreciate your counteroffer but I find it too low to accept. 谢谢您的还价,但是我觉得太低了,我们无法接受。

❿ 你们的价格比我们从别处得到的报价要高。Your price is higher than those we got from elsewhere.

同类表达 Your price is 15% higher than that of last quarter. 你们的价格比上个季度高出了15%。
