Scene 491 产品品质(在线收听

Scene 491 产品品质

❶ 此货物有多种不同的质量可供。The goods are available in different qualities.

❷ 如果你们产品的质量真的很好,我们可能长期订货。If the quality of your products is really good, we may place regular orders.

同类表达 If the quality of your initial shipment is found satisfactory, large repeats will follow. 如果贵方运来的第一批货令人满意,那么随后将有大批续订。

❸ 两者在质量上无显著差异。There is no marked qualitative difference between the two.

同类表达 I can't see the differences between these two articles. 这两种商品我看不出有什么区别。

❹ 我们真诚地希望质量与合同规定的相符。We sincerely hope the quality is in conformity with the contract stipulations.

同类表达 We would like to have you offer us 200 metric tons, quality remaining the same as last time. 希望您能报给我们200吨质量和上次相同的货。

❺ 只要质量好,售价高点无所谓。As long as the quality is good, it hardly matters whether the price is a little bit higher or not.

同类表达 Our price is a little bit higher, but the quality of our products is better. 虽然价格有点偏高,但我们产品的质量更好。

❻ 我们包换质量不合格的产品。We are responsible to replace the defective ones.

同类表达 We always have faith in the quality of your products. 对你们产品的质量我们总是很放心。

❼ 我们将改进产品质量。We'll improve the quality of our products.

❽ 我们的质量证明书盖公章方才有效。Our Certificate of Quality is made valid by means of the official seal.

同类表达 We'll put a quality control inspector on the project. 我们会在这个项目中安排一位质量管理监察员。

❾ 我们的质量完全以货样为准。Our quality is based only on our sales samples.

同类表达 We sell goods according to the sales sample, not the quality of any previous supplies. 我们销售产品是以货样为标准,而不是凭过去任何一批货的质量。

❿ 这两种等级的货物需求量很大。These two grades are very much in demand.

同类表达 We are in urgent need of these two grades. 我们现在急需这两种等级的货。
