Scene 496 交货(在线收听

Scene 496 交货

❶ 你们有没有可能提前一点交货呢?Could you possibly effect shipment more promptly?

这样回答 I'm sorry to say that we can't advance the time of delivery. 非常抱歉,我们不能把交货日期提前。

❷ 货物已经准备好待装运了。The goods are all ready for shipment.

同类表达 The cargo has been shipped on board. 货已装上船了。

❸ 我们会尽力提前装运。We will do our best to advance the shipment.

同类表达 We will do our best to make the shipment as soon as we can. 我们会竭尽所能尽快装运。

❹ 你们能否加快装运?Could you manage to hasten the shipment?

同类表达 An early reply from you will help us to speed up shipment. 如果你们早些答复,我们便可以加速装运。

❺ 很抱歉,我们不能按你们的要求装船。We regret we can't ship as you desired.

对话 A: Can you short-ship three tons?你们可以少装三吨吗?

B: We regret we can't ship as you desired. 很抱歉,我们不能按你们的要求装船。

❻ 我觉得我们应该就装运港口问题简短地谈一谈。I think we should have a brief talk about the loading port.

同类表达 You can choose Tianjin as port of shipment. 你可以选择天津作为装运港。

❼ 货物如果转运,我们得多付运费。We have to pay extra transportation charges in the case of transshipment.

同类表达 I think it's troublesome to transship the goods in Sydney. 我觉得在悉尼转运太麻烦了。

❽ 允许分批装运。Partial shipment is allowed.

❾ 我希望你们能在收到我方信用证后马上装运。I hope that the goods can be shipped promptly after you get our L/C.

同类表达 The order is so urgently required that we must ask you to speed up shipment. 我方迫切需要这批订货,故请贵方加快装运。

❿ 你们最早什么时候可以装运?When is the earliest possible date you can ship the goods?

同类表达 I wonder whether you can make shipment in August. 我想知道你们能否在八月份装运。
