英语名篇诵读 快乐的能力(在线收听

The Faculty of Delight


Charles Edward Montague(查尔斯·爱德华·蒙塔古)

Among the mind's powers is one that comes of itself to many children and artists. It need

not be lost, to the end of his days, by any one who has ever had it. This is the power of taking

delight in a thing, or rather in anything, everything, not as a means to some other end, but just

because it is what it is, as the lover dotes on whatever may be the traits of the beloved object.

A child in the full health of his mind will put his hand flat on the summer turf, feel it, and give a

little shiver of private glee at the elastic firmness of the globe. He is not thinking how well it

will do for some game or to feed sheep upon. That would be the way of the wooer whose mind

runs on his mistress's money. The child's is sheer affection, the true ecstatic sense of the thing's

inherent characteristics. No matter what the things may be, no matter what they are good or no

good for, there they are, each with a thrilling unique look and feel of its own, like a face;

...the painted wood familiarly warmer, the clod crumbling enchantingly down in the hands, with

its little dry smell of the sun and of hot nettles; each common thing a personality marked by

delicious differences.

The joy of an Adam new to the garden and just looking round is brought by the normal child

to the things that he does as well as those that he sees. To be suffered to do some plain work

with the real spade used by mankind can give him a mystical exaltation; to come home with his

legs...from the fatigue of helping the gardener to

weed beds sends him to sleep in the glow of a beatitude that is an end in itself...













