死亡约会 Part II Chapter 9(2)(在线收听


Poirot gave him a minute or two. Then he said quietly, almost indifferently: ‘Your plan wasdifferent—eh?’

‘Oh, yes.’ Raymond answered mechanically. ‘That’s why—this changes everything…I—I can’tthink clearly.’

‘What was your plan?’

‘Our plan? It was—’

Raymond stopped abruptly. His eyes became alert, suddenly watchful.

‘I don’t think,’ he said, ‘that I’ll say any more.’

‘As you please,’ said Poirot.

He watched the young man out of the room.

He drew his pad towards him and in small, neat characters made a final entry. R.B. 5.55?

Then, taking a large sheet of paper, he proceeded to write. His task completed, he sat back withhis head on one side contemplating the result. It ran as follows:

Boyntons and Jefferson Cope leave the camp 3.5 (approx.)Dr Gerard and Sarah King leave the camp 3.15 (approx.)Lady Westholme and Miss Pierce leave the



Dr Gerard returns to camp 4.20 (approx.)

Lennox Boynton returns to camp 4.35

Nadine Boynton returns to camp and talks to

Mrs Boynton


Nadine Boynton leaves her mother-in-law and

goes to marquee

4.50 (approx.)

Carol Boynton returns to camp 5.10

Lady Westholme, Miss Pierce and Mr Jefferson


return to camp


Raymond Boynton returns to camp 5.50

Sarah King returns to camp 6.0

Body discovered 6.30
