音乐咖啡厅:We Are One我们紧紧团结在一起(在线收听

Kelly Sweet - We Are One

Didn't need to ask
Don't know the reason
Everything that I believe
Is right here
Not thinking bout tomorrow
Couldn't catch it if I tried
World is spinning too fast
So I'll wait till it comes to me
I am you
You are me
We are one
Take me in your arms
And flow through me
I'll flow through you
Steal my breath away
Cause I'm so moved by you
Deeper than I ever thought
Was possible, was possible, it's everything, oh
Difference between me and you
It's all in where your heart lies
And every day's another chance
So let's get it right
I am you
You are me
We are one
Take me in your arms
And flow through me
I'll flow through you
Did you lose yourself out there
Did you lose faith and give up
Don't turn away and hide yourself
Cause there's a friend to make along the way
We are the heartbeat and our souls speak
And all the beauty I have ever dreamed
Is right here in front of me, oh
Is right here in front of me, oh
I am you
And you are me
We are one
Take me in your arms
And flow through me
I'll flow through you


        Kelly Sweet 是美国歌坛新人,有些像早期的Mariah Carey,她嗓音的可塑性被誉为媲美诺拉琼斯Norah Jones、乔许葛洛班Josh Groban、蒂朵Dido等一线天王天后,被视为是新生代接班人。如水晶般锋芒不可掩盖的嗓音与优秀的语言(英、法、意大利)能力,让她的音乐曲风能轻易来回于流行与跨界之间Kelly Sweet的出现是这样的浑然天成将声音、美貌、才华集结於一身。听她唱歌彷若没有距离,却似与亲密好友谈心!
      Kelly自小在爵士钢琴手爸爸的音乐耳濡目染与艺术家妈妈的拉拔下长大,年仅3岁在吟唱〈I Will Always Love You〉而展露歌唱天份,她七岁时开始跟教练学习唱歌,12岁开始尝试写词,14岁时为Kenny Loggins肯尼罗根斯(电影捍卫战士《Top Gun》主题曲〈Danger Zone〉原唱)的演唱会暖场。之后,妈妈将她的一张demo CD寄给洛杉矶湖人队L.A Lakers;进而受邀为湖人队球赛演唱美国国歌高达三场比赛。并于2006年十月时发行了EP,并在Paul Simon 的巡回演唱会负责开场,还于纽约大都会(New York Mets)及圣路易红雀(Saint Louis Cardinals)的冠亚军赛演唱国歌.。
Kelly Sweet 刚刚18岁时已经演出过500多场音乐会,因她的风格适合各年龄,以至场场爆满,虽然很年轻但经验老到能说几国的语言,所以以她惊人的水平赢得了观众和很多名人的捧场.
