2007-08-18, Dolphin Showoffs? 海豚表演?(在线收听

These sea birds are getting ready for a great show and just maybe a quick bite to eat. Wuhu, how about that? These are bottlenose dolphins rampaging up on shores gathering fish and causing a major holeable loom. Are they just showing off? The dolphin equivalent of hot rodding? The dolphins may be fleshier than most species and smarter as well, but like so many behaviors, it's all about staying welfare. Bottlenose dolphins are among the most inventive and intelligent hunters in the sea and wild bottlenose dolphins often hunt close to shore. This coordinated assault on the beach is a sophisticated technique developed here in the salt marshes of South Carolina. First a dolphin scout locates schools of fish in the channel, then, the other dolphins rush the shore, creating a wave that washes the school of fish onto the shore, then, using their superior of up-water eyesight, the dolphins grab the fish and consume them. And after that, it's time to do it all over again until the dolphins get tired or the fish supply runs out, which ever comes first. The dolphins clearly relish this kind of hunting and the birds like it too.

Here is the fascinating bit of trivia that will wow your friends. The dolphins always rush the shore landing on their right side/. The teeth on this side of their mouths get worn down from / chewing the mud and silt that sloshes in with the fish. The dolphins can be so exuberant they actually beach themselves. Sometime it seems they are almost trying to crawl back on the same land they left 15 million years ago when their ancestors first moved into the sea.
