美联社新闻一分钟 2008-05-03(在线收听

1. A powerful storm system sweeping across the middle of the country has been packing tornadoes and heavy winds, killing at least seven people in Arkansas including a teenager crushed by a tree while she slept.

2. Minnesota lawmakers have a deal on compensating victims of the Minneapolis Bridge collapse. Everyone on the bridge will receive 400, 000 dollars. Those who suffered the most injuries will get more, drawing from a 12.6-million-dollar pool.

3. Newly-released video appears to show a career criminal attacking a prosecutor in New York. No one was hurt, but the incident is raising concerns about safety at the Federal Court in Brooklyn.

4. A pelican is rescued in south Florida after snagging its wing on a fishing line and getting stuck in a tree. Rescue workers removed the fishing line. The pelican is expected to fully recover.


1. pelican : n. 鹈鹕

A pelican is a type of large water bird. It catches fish and keeps them in the bottom part of its beak which is shaped like a large bag.
