访谈录 2008-05-04&05-06 理财有妙招(在线收听

1. Interview: We’re back with Today’s Money and today we’re going to play a little game with you guys at home and with Ms. Catherine Gifford who, by the way, is downstairs in a concorns by Starbucks. She’s down there, Hi, Ms. Gifford. (Hello) You look good. All right, what we gonna do is that I’m going to talk with a expert and Catherine is going to talk with some people and see if we know some answers of these complex questions. Yahoo finance expert, Laura Rowley is here for help, hello.


2. Laura Rowley: Hi.


3. I: So, right now, we’re on a tough financial time, clearly, we just talked about earlier the price of eggs, meat, all different kinds of things. So, our money is so much more valuable and we find it against consumers are not buying things like TV and what… is that right?


4. L: That’s right. Yahoo commission survey, we found that 75% people are cutting their money back, holding all the major expenses. They are not buying electronics and clothing, and even some people are cutting back on food.


5. I: And a lot of people obviously don’t know much about finance. I went to a lunch yesterday, a woman said, high school, we take wood shopping, we take a Car Auto shopping and she asked how many people have changed the cooperator? How many people are widowing furniture? (L: Save money) she was saying basically we don’t learn about finance. That’s the point, isn’t it?


6. L: We don’t and states generally don’t and once I talked with my brother in Illinois. He said his son came to graduate without passing a consumer education that is a new program, so you do see a little bit more education there but I don’t think it don’t throw it up now, I alert to turn it out in our financial education.


7. I: OK. So now, we know a lot of people are getting in checking a mail and we’re going downstairs with Ms. Catherine with 600 bucks with 6 people who gonna get the questions, what will they do with their money? Ms. Gillford?


8. Catherine Gifford: You know, I’m going to hold on six people six questions. If they get right, well, don’t look at my note, Missy. I’m on to you. They get a hundred dollar an American Express, a little card they can use. If they get it wrong, they’ll get one of my records. So, that’s the deal. all right? There’s an *** to get this right, what’s you name, mdm?


9. Q1: Susan.


10. C: Where did you come from?


11. Q1:Virginia beach


12. C: V… oh, good, I love down there, that’s a lot of fun. Here’s your first question? OK? Assuming you’ll receive a rebate check, what’s the last thing you should do with the money? A Put it into a saving account; B Make a fun purchase. Which I can see your eyes, you wanna do; C Pay off monthly bill; or D Pay off revolving debt.


13. Q1: The last thing you wanna do?


14. C: Yes, the last thing you should do with rebate check.


15. Q1: Make a fun purchase.


16. C: OK.


17. Q1: Is that right or wrong?


18. C: No, it’s wrong. It’s C, “Pay off monthly bill”. Excuse me, here is yours, enjoy!


19. I: Let’s ask Laura. Why does that got wrong thing to do?


20. L: I know that’s something counter the answer, but if you need a one time bonus to pay the monthly bill, something is wrong. You need to make sure your ingo matches with your outflow and if it doesn’t, cut back, don’t use extra money to pay monthly bills.


21. I: Got it! all right, Let’s go back downstairs with the finance.


22. C: All right. We found a very brave gentleman who wants to talk to me. What’s you name, sir?


23. Q2: Raymond T***


24. C: Where are you from?


25. Q2:***


26. C: All right, nice to have you, sir. You make people very serious into the point about it, right?


27. Q2: Yes.


28. C: You can say you’re some kind of financial expert?


29. Q2:No…medium.


30. C: Medium? All right, let’s see! here is you question two: When planning for retirement, it’s best to invest your money in…A 401(K) or a individual retirement account; B to Real estate; C Hot commodities like oil or gold; or D a Hedge fund.


31. Q2:I say A.


32. C: And you know what? That means you’ll be right. There you go, darling, don’t split it in one place.


33. I: I think you should give him a CD, too. Why is that the right thing?


34. L: Because your money grows either tax forward or your tax deferred, when you’ve saved your money with a long period of 30 or 40 years, you don’t want the taxman take out of it a little bit by a year after a year.


35. I: OK. I think the rest is the … the thing we should not do?


36. L: Well, hedge fund is not for *** investor and hot commodities, you don’t want to be chasing hot commodities.


37. I: All right, let’s go back downstairs, Ms. Gillford.


38. C: Just find a hot man I like him down here. What’s your name, sweetheart?


39. Q3: *** from North Cacalaki


40. C: North Cacalaki


41. Q3:That’s right.


42. C: All right, ***, which one you rather like to have, my money or my record?


43. Q3: I’m going to have a hot beyonce.


44. C: We will do a little *** before…OK, yours is in number three, all right? What’s? oh, hello, I ask. You’re in debt and have to pay off tons of bills…which one is the most important to pay off? A Credit card bills; C Mortgage, B, I mean, sorry! You make me nervous; three…C Loans, I’m going to take my time with this question and D Medical bills.


45. Q3: I’m going to say especially things, credit cards’ interest rates are pretty high, getting the tax reduction , I’m going to say that credit cards.


46. C: You’ll be wrong, darling. You got to go home with my pop record and it’s B, mortgage.


47. I: And why is that the right thing?


48. L: Because if you don’t pay your mortgage, you’re going to lose you house. That’s your NO.1 payment and the next thing, NO.2 is the credit cards.


49. I: All right, thank you so much. Ms. Gilford, thanks for your phone crack down , that was great. 51. C: I guess someone’s getting in my way some way in my money, right? OK.
