AP美联社一分钟新闻 2008-08-24(在线收听

1. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama took the stage with his newly selected running mate Joe Biden today. Obama says the Democratic senator from Delaware is uniquely suited to help him put the country back on track.

2. Tropical Storm Fay is wrapping up its disastrous slog across Florida by making a record fourth landfall on the Panhandle's coast. Florida authorities have raised the death toll to eleven. Across the Florida Peninsula, communities are cleaning up the damage from torrential rain that flooded homes and destroyed crops.

3. Thousands of Georgians are rallying against the continued presence of Russian troops in a key port city. Russia says it plans on patrolling the region, even though the US and France say the area lies outside of the ceasefire agreement Russia signed earlier this month.

4. You can call them "the golden girls" . The US women's basketball team has once again taken the top spot of the Olympics. The squad cruised to victory over Australia to nab its fourth consecutive Olympic gold.


Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online
Merriam-Webster Online

1. cruise:  v.
If a team or sports player cruises to victory, they win easily. (JOURNALISM)

2. Florida Peninsula:  n. 佛罗里达半岛
