
TIFFANY: We have the capital ready.Right now I am looking at three different companies to produce our products.And your company, Mr. Chen, seems to me to be the best for what we want.
TOM: I appreciate your remarks. And we are always happy to do more business.But, you know, if we take on a contract to produce new products,we want to be confident the product is marketable. Because, to start producing new things requires a lot of preparation.It requires a lot of investment for us.
TIFFANY: You have some doubts about our products, I understand.
TOM: I would like to offer you a good price.But I won't be able to do that if I think this is a one-shot deal.So I would like to have some confidence in your idea.
TIFFANY: Of course. Let me tell you in some detail about our idea.You know the popular "Hello Kitty" products.
TOM: Yes, of course.
TIFFANY: Well, the products in themselves are very simple.It is the logo that is successful.So, "Hello Kitty" is successful because of the logo, but the products are very simple.
TOM: And I would say the logo is successful mainly because it comes from Japan.It is the Japanese that have made it a fad.
TIFFANY: That might be true.But we have a logo concept that is great. It is really great.I think it will catch on in Taiwan at least. Young people will love it.It is because of our logo that our products will sell.We just need someone to produce the products for us.We have the backup and people to do the marketing.
TOM: So what you are really trying to sell is a fad.
TIFFANY: Yes, we would like to make things like key chains,plastic pencil sharpeners, plastic rulers, watches, wallets, things like that.Little accessories for young people. But the reason these will sell is the logo.Just like "Hello Kitty."
TOM: I understand. But why won't you show me the logo?
TIFFANY: Because it hasn't been copyrighted. We want to get some protection for it.But while we wait for copyright, we are investigating companies to produce the products.
TOM: I see. The problem, however,is that I can't be confident in giving you a good priceunless I am confident your product will last.
TIFFANY: I understand. For now, though, you could just give us an estimated price.We aren't going to sign a contract yet. We are just investigating.I only need to know that your company is capable of producing the products.And then, I only need a very rough idea of how much it might cost.
TOM: Alright. I understand. Right now you just want estimates.
