
What club do you belong to?
Andy: Peter, which club do you want to join?
Peter: I haven't decided yet. What about you, Andy?
Andy: I am a member of the basketball club. Do you want to join us?
Peter: But I don't know how to play basketball.
Andy: It's OK. Don't worry about it. Our school coach will train us to play basketball.
art 艺术,美术
calligraphy 书法
choice 选择
choir 合唱团
decided 决定了的,果断的
decisoin 决定,,果断
department store 百货公司
interest in 兴趣,关注
join 参加,作……会员
member 团员,成员
painting 绘画,上油漆
tae kwon do 跆拳道
track and field 田径运动
train 训练;培养
tutor 家庭教师,私人教师
worry 担心;发愁
