AP美联社一分钟新闻 2008-09-04(在线收听

1. Republican presidential candidate John McCain greeted his running mate and her family at the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport this afternoon. Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is getting ready for what could be the biggest night of her life. Palin will address the Republican National Convention and speak about her record.

2. President Bush made a quick trip to Baton Rouge, Louisiana to have a look at damage from Hurricane Gustav. He called the response to the storm "excellent" . Meanwhile, New Orleans residents started heading home despite the fact the mayor thinks it's too early for people to do so.

3. The United States will give Georgia a billion dollars in an additional aid. Vice President Dick Cheney will make the aid a major part of his trip to the country which recently battled Russia over separatist regions.

4. A hundred and fifty Olympians joined Oprah Winfrey for a taping of her show in downtown Chicago. The show set up 11,000 seats and lawn spots for families, friends and fans. Oprah also put in a plug for Chicago's bid to host the 2016 Summer Olympics.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online
Merriam-Webster Online

1. Plug:  n.
a way of advertising a book, film etc by mentioning it publicly, especially on television or radio.
put/get in a plug (for sth)

