AP美联社一分钟新闻 2008-09-11(在线收听

1. New images revealed that North Korea has a second long-range missile base. One analyst says the base is a clear indication the country continues to develop its ballistic missile program. An American official says US intelligence has been aware of the site for several years.


2. Hurricane Ike has become a Category 2 storm. It's feeding on warm Gulf waters as it makes its way toward Texas. That's where more than 7,000 National Guard members are on standby and evacuations are expected.


3. Police have arrested a man suspected of brutally attacking a dozing subway passenger with a hammer in Philadelphia, that while police say other riders did nothing to stop the assault. Authorities say the 26-year-old suspect was charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault and related charges.


4. "You can put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig." The John McCain camp says that comment by Senator Barack Obama was directed at Sarah Palin. But Obama says the remark compares McCain's policies and call for change with President Bush's record. He's calling the flap "the latest made-up controversy" by the McCain campaign.


Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online
Merriam-Webster Online


1. ballistic missile:  n. 弹道导弹

a powerful weapon that can travel extremely long distances, and that flies very high up into the sky and then back down to earth where it explodes.


2. feed on:  phr v.

If one thing feeds on another, it becomes stronger as a result of the other thing's existence.


3. be on standby:

If someone or something is on standby, they are ready to be used if they are needed.

