AP美联社一分钟新闻 2008-09-19(在线收听

1. President Bush says the financial markets are adjusting to the "extraordinary measures" the government has taken to stabilize the economy. He did not specify what additional steps the government might take. But Bush cancelled his travel plans for today and is staying in Washington in order to keep a close eye on Wall Street.

2. Major banks around the world are joining forces to inject as much as 180 billion dollars into global money markets. Stocks are rebounding this morning following yesterday's losses. But investors are still fearful that more big financial companies could fail.

3. The new I-35 bridge in Minneapolis opened for traffic this morning. Thirteen people were killed last year when the previous bridge collapsed into the Mississippi River. The new bridge reopens a major artery leading in and out of the city.

4. This isn't Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa but it is becoming a world-renowned masterpiece. An Iowa man made this nine-foot-by-nine-foot reproduction out of 12,000 sticky notes for an art contest. A YouTube video of his artwork has been viewed 14,500 times.
