英语口语大赢家Topic310:水上游戏 Water Sports(在线收听


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Daniel: Look! Mom, that's amazing! I can't believe the girls have so neat movements.

Mom: Yeah, they all received very strict training. A minute on the stage takes ten-year practice.

Daniel: And all their movements are so elegant. It seems like dancing in the water.

Mom: Exactly, you know, water ballet puts dancing, music and swimming together.

Daniel: There you go! Daddy has told me that water ballet is also called Synchronized Swimming.

Mom: That's my boy! Katherine Curtis created this activity in 1920. And in 1984, it was authorized as one activity in Olympic Games.

Daniel: Wow, Mom is more knowledgeable than Dad. I must learn from you.

Mom: My little boy, you should learn more from me. I'm almost thirty years older than you.

Daniel: OK, you're the boss. Look, Mom, one guy has just jumped into the swimming pool.

Mom: Oh, my God. It's so dangerous. And he might break his leg. You mustn't do anything like that.

Daniel: I'll never learn from him. His gesture is so awful. The Olympic diving champion Tian Liang is the only person I admire.

Mom: Is he your “shining star”? As far as you see, why he can get the champion in Olympic Games?

Daniel: Of course, he succeeds in crouched jump and backward spinning dive. And he has a clean entry. The degree of difficulty is also very high.

Mom: It seems that you know much about him. And I believe you can do it as well as him one day.

Daniel: That's an obvious thing. I'm a reliable man. Right?

Mom: Well, but the first thing is that you have to learn how to swim. Let's get down to business.

丹尼尔: 妈妈,快看。那太神奇了!我真不敢相信她们的动作这么整齐。

妈妈: 嗯,她们都经过严格的训练。台上一分钟台下十年功。

丹尼尔: 她们的动作那么优雅。看起来像在水中跳舞。

妈妈: 确实,你知道吗?水上芭蕾是将舞蹈、音乐和游泳融合起来了。

丹尼尔: 那就是了,爸爸告诉我水上芭蕾又叫花样游泳。

妈妈: 这才是我的儿子。柯蒂斯在1920年创建了这个活动。在1984年,它被正式列为奥林匹克的一项运动。

丹尼尔: 哇,妈妈比爸爸更有知识。我要向你学习。

妈妈: 小家伙,你应该向我学更多的东西。我可比你大三十岁呀。

丹尼尔: 好,听你的。快看,妈妈有个人跳进游泳池里了。

妈妈: 喔,我的天哪!好危险呀!他可能会扭断自己的腿。你不要像他那样做。

丹尼尔: 我不会像他学习的。他的姿势那么难看。奥运冠军田亮才是我所佩服的人。

妈妈: 他是你的偶像吗?据你看,他为什么在奥运会上夺得冠军呢?

丹尼尔: 当然,他成功地完成了抱膝跳水和向后旋转跳水。他落水时水花很少。难度系数十分高。

妈妈: 看起来你对他很了解呀。我相信有一天你能跟他做的一样好。

丹尼尔: 那是再明显不过了。我是个可以信任的人,不是吗?

妈妈: 嗯,但是你首先该做的事情是学会游泳。让我们开始吧!
经典背诵 Recitation
Daniel: The girls performing water ballet are really amazing. They have neat and elegant movements, and dance in the water. I know water ballet is also called Synchronized Swimming. That is what my Dad told me. My idol is the Olympic diving champion Tian Liang. I'll learn from him.

meat adj. 整齐的

synchronized swimming adj. 花样游泳

authorize vt. 批准,许可

gesture n. 姿势

crouched jump 抱膝跳水

backward spinning dive 向后旋转跳水

clean entry 落水水花少

A minute on the stage takes ten year practice.


The Olympic diving champion Tian Liang


Katherine Curtis

1920 年花样游泳创始人柯蒂斯将跳水和体操的翻滚动作编排成套在水中表演,后传入美国和加拿大。1984年,它被正式列为奥运会的比赛项目。

Material 语素

Surfing is a sport of gliding toward the shore on a breaking wave. Surfers originally used long, cumbersome wooden boards but now ride lightweight synthetic boards that allow a greater degree of maneuverability. It developed in Hawaii and became very popular with American youth in the 1960s.



Water Skiing

Water skiing is a surface water sport and recreational activity. It is popular in many countries around the world where appropriate conditions exist-an expanse of water unaffected by wave motion. Standard water skis were originally made of wood but now are usually constructed out of fiberglassbased composites.


