Artist:The Automatic Song:In The Mountains
Beautiful, dead leaves before snow year in year out in the mountains where it grows in jungles so far away it could not matter if they had fireworks if your having fun it doesn't matter so your just carry on like you always do your not special special enough to make it ok
High ideals such contradiction condescending to cross the line good times beautiful people expensive phones such hospitality
if your having fun it doesn't matter so your just carry on like you always do your not special special enough to make it ok if your having fun it doesn't matter so your just carry on like you always do your not special special enough to make it ok
so go on so go on your doing alright you've got money and professional type so go on what the worry with a little bit at a time what the worry when it someone elses problem? its not my problem its not my problem its not my problem
Beautiful, dead leaves before snow year in year out in the mountains
if your having fun it doesn't matter so your just carry on like you always do your not special special enough to make it ok if your having fun it doesn't matter so your just carry on like you always do your not special special enough to make it ok
The Automatic也是一只不算高产的乐队,速度不快不慢,俩年的时间来一张,第二张《This Is A Fix》的制作人还是首张专辑《Not Accepted Anywhere》那时合作的Richard Jackson,同时这次Butch Walker (Pete Yorn,American Hi-Fi,Fall Out Boy)也加入进来了。Butch Walker 是一个是善于制作Punk音乐元素的制作人,这次能够与Richard Jackson俩人合作在一起,是一个不小的看点。第一只单曲“Steve McQueen”,很招牌的后朋式摇滚。其实对于The Automatic来说,这张专辑完成的有些辛苦,也经历了像绝大多数的乐队一样的成员更换,在07年9月的时候,成员Alex Pennie离队,这时候正在乐队准备录制新专辑的时期,新成员Paul Mullen在10月加入了The Automatic,然后一干就是一半年,新专辑在今年3月份才初期录制完成。庆幸的是,这张专辑的质量不错,但是相对首张来的那股冲劲少了不好,身体上的可以会更喜欢首张《Not Accepted Anywhere》,理论上的会选择《This Is A Fix》。