新东方在线时时学英语 20070213(在线收听


ivory tower 象牙塔 就是生活在脱离现实生活中的小天地。

Judas kiss 犹大之吻 说的就是背叛的行为,或者是 kiss of death

come on to somebody

to 与 for 的差别

Part One 你听不懂的

manna from heaven 天助,意外收获

Patricia won a 1000 dollar from the lottery and it was like manna from heaven because she owed the band quite a lot of money.

Much cry and little wool 雷声大雨点小,说多做少

Josh always has much cry and little wool when it comes to ambition. I don’t see any possibility of his success.

When the candidate for student representative talks about improving connections between students and school, there is much cry and little wool.

Part Two 你说不出的

Burn the Midnight OU


Mr.Franklin:Wow Bing! Burning the midnight oil.


Chandler:You know me sir. Oh ah,I do have a question for ya.Do you know how I get around the office computer network so I can access the really good Internet porn?


Mr.Franklin:You're a joker Bing.


Part Three 有趣的故事

What are和what is