
  Lesson 74


  1 Could you show me how to use the computer?

  2 Can you help me set up the computer?

  3 When did you learn to use the computer?

  4 Is it difficult to learn word processing?

  5 What do you usually use your computer for?

  6 Can you teach me some basics about computer?

  7 Do you know how to copy a file?

  8 Must I double click it ?

  9 Is our daily life affected by computer?

  10 Do you think computers will replace man?

  dialog 1

  M: Would you please teach me how to use the computer?

  W:Sure , let's take a look at the menu first.

  M:Do I have to turn on the computer?

  W:yes, we can look at the computer and computer menu at the same time.And this will help us undstand both better .

  M:What should I learn first?

  W:Right now I 'll teach you to open files ,save files and copy files .Are you ready?

  M:I am ready I am going to get ,let's start!

  dialog 2.

  W:Excuse me , can I use your computer to type my paper?

  M:No problem.

  W: I am afraid I can't finish typing it this afternoon.When will you use it tonight?

  M:Oh,Never mind,I finished my paper.So you can use it tonight .

  w:Thanks a lot!


  M:There are something wrong with my computer.

  W:Really, what's wrong with it ?

  M:The computer doesn't work when I push the power botton.

  w:Oh,do you use your computer often ?

  M:Yes ,I don't know why it doesn't work this time.

  w:Don't worry. Have you got receipt with you ?


  W:We'll go to your house and repair it on Tuesday.Ok?

  M:OK, I'll expected you around 2 o'clock ?

  w:See you then.

  Good evening ,our program tonight focuses on personal computer.Ok,most of you will be working with machine that look like this one on the desk.we'll start by going over the different parts and what they do.In the center of the desk,it's the keyboard and monitor,keyboard has some special keys ,but basically is just like a typywriter keyboard,when you type something on the keyboard,the words are shown on the monitor.If you've already used the computer and stored information in it,that information will be on a disk like this.When you want to look back at something,you put the disk into the disk drive.Now ,if you want to get a paper copy at what's on the screen,the printer will produce that for you.OK,let's set all of this in motion.


  1 The computers contains 5 basic sections:input ,memory,arithmetic and logic,control,and output.

  2 Because of its memory and speed,the computer can consider many more factors than a person can.

  3 Computers can do simple computations with lovely speed and perfect accuracy.

  4 Computers can gather a wild range of information for many purposes.

  5 Computers can store information and pull it out whenever it needed.

  6 People's brains are a lot more complex than a computer.

  7 Computers have already changed our lives of millions of people.

  8 The impact of the computer is amazing.

  9 We can't depend on computers to do everything for us.

  10 We should use our brains to think and imagine.

  Dialogue one

  Let's start to study how to use computers ,Paubler.It's good to know that a computer has two major parts,the hardware and the software.

  What's the hardware?

  The hardware of computer is basically all the concrete things you can touch with your hands and see with your eyes.

  That's seems obvious enough.then what about the software?

  The software of computer is all the programmes inside the computer that allow you to use the computer to do things.

  I see,actually the hardware is the easy part,I do want to study how to use the software.

  Right you are,Paubler,and since what you want to learn is how to use software ,we should also learn to refer to the computer menus.

  Ever since I saw computer can do your project,I wanted to have a computer.

  Dialogue two

  Do you know much about computers?

  Not a great deal.

  I've just been reading an article about them.they'll be used for all sorts of things now.

  For accounting system and things like that ,you mean ?

  Yes ,but they are used for other things,too.Do you remember when we went to buy a ticket for the flight to Paris .


  The man asked where we want to go,then he type out the information on the form and waited for a reply.A few moment later ,he gave us two tickets.

  Of course,his machine must have been connected to a computer.

  That's right.

  Dialogue three

  Well,known,Jim ,I'm...I'm pretty much in favour of your computers,I think computers teach kids to think ,because they require logical thoughts.

  But I...I don't agree with that ,because computers weaken kids' ability to think,because kids don't learn basic skills.

  What do you mean?

  They can't spell ,they can't add,they can't subtract,they even don't remember any more.that's because they rely on gadgets.

  That's not the gadgets.Creating programmes is stimulate thoughts. It engages their imagination and sharpen their mind.

  The computer is an important factor in our lives,each year ,we use computers more and more to help us to connect data and to provide their information ,at one time,people thought computers were only used for banks ,dapartment stores and governments,but today ,the rapidly increasing number of computers are used for many other purposes.The clothes you wear were probably manufactured with the help of a computer.The newspaper you read could have been edited and typed by a computer.Even TV programs and commercials are often prepared by computers,there is no reason to think that their uses will decrease.Computer will become a greater part of our lives.


