


  1. shall we go dancing tonight?

  2. how about another waltz?

  3. may i have the first dance?

  4. let's go to the dance hall.

  5. let's do the Disco.

  6. why don't we have one more dance?

  7. may i introduce you to this new dance?

  8. may i have the pleasure of the next dance?


  a: what's your favourite steps?

  b: it's hard to say, but i do love foxtrot and waltz.

  a: how about rock and roll。

  b: to tell the truth. i don't like it, it's too noisy.

  a: and can you dance tango?

  b: oh, it's really beautiful. but i just can't dance it well.

  a: don't be so modest. i am sure you can dance it very well. then i'll see you at six. is that all right?

  b: ok.

  a: great. i am your lucky fellow then.

  Dialogue 2

  a: would you like to learn to tango Donar?

  b: right now?

  a: i am offerring you my services. for your church. what do you say?

  b: i think i'll be a little afraid.

  a: of what?

  b: afraid of making a mistake.

  a: no mistakes in a tango Donar.not like life, simple, that will make the tango so great. if you make a mistake, you'll get all tango done. just tango along. why don't you try? will you try it.

  b: all right. i'll give it a try.

  Dialogue 3

  a: may i ask you for a dance.

  b: certainly, i love waltz very much.

  a: you dance it very well.

  b: do you often go dancing?

  a: a couple of times a week. i've got a regular dancing partner . he is really some dancer

  men and women need opportunities for a wide acquaintance with persons of the opposite sex. perhaps, the best way for this purpose is the social dance, which your neighbour strangers to get acquainted without formal introduction. in addition, the rhythm and beauty of the dance have a strong appeal to children and adults as well. and it's usually said that no art is more popular with youth than dancing.

  1. yes, let's.

  2. willingly.

  3. certainly.

  4. i'm sorry, i can't dance.

  5. i'd love to, but i am afraid i can't find dancing partners in the ballroom.

  6. i'm sorry, i'm engaged for this dance.

  7. no, thanks. i'm really tired.

  8. no, thanks, i'm a little tired. and i'll sit down this dance.

  9. you dance waltz very well.

  10. he is some dancer

  Dialogue 1

  a: shall we dance?

  b: sure. i suppose you dance much.

  a: oh. no as a matter of fact, i haven't danced for a long time.

  b: but i can see you dance wonderfully well.

  a: thanks for flattering me。i think you dance much right?

  b: no , just occasionally

  a: oh ,i like this music very much , let's tango.

  b: i'm afraid i can't dance well.

  Dialogue 2

  a: would you like to dance?

  b: well. i'd love to. but i'm afraid i don't know how to tango.

  a: actually. i think this is a waltz.

  b: i see. i'm afraid i don't know how to waltz either.

  a: do let me teach you ,it's very easy.

  Dialogue 3

  a: may i have this dance?

  b: a bit later to it, young man.

  a: what's that of the dancing.

  b: it's a landler an Austrian folk dance.

  a: show me pls.

  b: oh curt. i have danced that since i was a little girl.

  a: oh you remember pls.

  b: well ....


  b: all right. come on and over here, now, (you (?) and i ?)

  a: like this?

  b: fine, now we go for a little walk. this way 1.2.3.... step together now step, hop, step, hop, now to another. not quite, this way hop, step ,hop step. curt! we'll have to practise.

  i've always been interested in dancing, whenever the music begains i can't help dancing, but you should know i'm not a good dancer, sometimes, i feel i have two left feet. but i enjoy dancing, most of the time, i dance alone, right in my house, i seldom go to a dance hall. sometimes, if nobody invites me. i just feel like a wallflower, that kind of feeling is terrible, sometimes i go to the dance studio for dance class. dance is a kind of entertainment, to the best of my knowledge, it is the best way to help me out of my troubles, so i like dancing.
