AP美联社一分钟新闻 2009-02-02(在线收听

1. Five days after a devastating ice storm hit Kentucky, almost a half million residents are still without power. Governor Beshear has deployed Kentucky's Army National Guard and part of the Air Guard. But authorities warned it could be days or even weeks before power is restored in the most remote spots.

2. Olympic great Michael Phelps has acknowledged regrettable behavior and bad judgement. That's after a photo in a British newspaper showed him inhaling from a marijuana pipe. Phelps won a record eight gold medals at the Beijing Games last August.

3. More than 100 people are dead in Kenya after a fuel truck exploded, another 200 were injured in the accident. The tanker truck had initially overturned, but as people rushed to the scene to scoop up free fuel, the truck blew up.

4. And a new patriarch has taken charge of the Russian Orthodox Church. Metropolitan Kirill is the first leader of the world's largest Orthodox church to take office after the fall of the Soviet Union.


1. marijuana: n. 大麻

2. scoop up: phr v.

if a lot of people scoop something up, they buy it quickly so that soon there is none left
