AP美联社一分钟新闻 2009-02-08(在线收听

1. Senators are having a rare workday today, although they reached the deal last night on the stimulus plan, many are going to the floor to argue the case of President Barack Obama's legislation to right the economy.

2. Sports Illustrated is reporting that New York Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids back in 2003. He won his first of three MVP awards that year and is considered by many to be the best hitter in the game today.

3. Vice-President Joe Biden has laid out the Obama administration's foreign policy principles to an international audience in Germany. He says the US is willing to talk to Iran, but isn't afraid to take action if the country doesn't abandon its nuclear ambitions.

4. There is no better way to welcome in the Year of the Ox than a jump into the ocean. About 100 people took the plunge in Taiwan, young and old, in a tradition that is supposed to bring good luck for the coming year.


1. slugger: n.

a baseball player who hits the ball a very long way

2. steroid: n. 类固醇

a chemical that the body produces naturally or that can be made as a drug to treat illness and injuries. Steroids are sometimes used illegally by people doing sports to improve their performance
