AP美联社一分钟新闻 2009-02-10(在线收听

1.President Barack Obama made a campaign-style pitch for his massive economic stimulus plan. Obama traveled to Elkhart, Indiana today in hopes of winning support for a package that has become the first big test since taking office.

2.In Beijing, flames ripped through a luxury hotel that was still under construction. The fire broke out after the 44-storey building was showered with the sparks from fireworks set off during China's biggest holiday. There were no immediate reports of deaths or injuries.

3.Four American soldiers and an interpreter were killed in Northern Iraq. US military says they were killed in a suicide car bombing in the city of Mosul.

4.Alex Rodriguez has admitted using performance-enhancing drugs. The New York Yankee star told ESPN he is very sorry and deeply regretful. Sports Illustrated had reported Rodriguez tested positive for steroids in 2003.


1.pitch: n.

1).the things someone says to persuade people to buy something, do something, or accept an idea

2).make a/somebody's pitch (for something) (=try to persuade people to do something)
