AP美联社一分钟新闻 2009-02-16(在线收听

1. A federal aviation official says the plane that crashed into a house near Buffalo, killing 50 people, was on autopilot when it went down. That's a possible violation of airline policy. Colgan Air recommends pilots fly manually in icy conditions. Pilots are required to do so in severe ice.

2. Leading Republicans in the Illinois Legislature are expected to call for an outside investigation of whether Senator Roland Burris testified truthfully at the impeachment trial of the former governor. The Democratic senator released documents Saturday indicating Rod Blagojevich's brother asked Burris to host a fundraiser for the governor before Burris was appointed to the Senate.

3. Australian firefighters continue to battle a dozen blazes still burning in Victoria State. That's where wildfires took more than 180 people. Specialists flew in from the United States are helping to try to contain the remaining fires.

4. And how about a little kiss? Forty thousand people puckered up in Mexico City, as part of an effort to set a new world record for smooching.


1. pucker: v. also pucker up

if part of your face puckers, or if you pucker it, it becomes tight or stretched, for example because you are going to cry or kiss someone

2. smooch: v.

if two people smooch, they kiss and hold each other in a romantic way, especially while dancing
