22 making changes---getting rid of bad habits
I was cleaning up my computer yesterday, organizing files, deleting some unused things to make more space, and improving what I already have. Even though my computer was almost five years old, pretty old in computer years, I don't plan on buying a new computer any time soon, because I just use it for some simple things. Anyway, so I got to thinking about, well, if I could delete different things from "Me", what would I delete? If I would add certain things, what would I aad. I guess it's possible to add or subtract certain physical traits. Many people plastic surgery or get liposuction, or whatever, but I was thinking more about habit. If I were able to delete one bad habit, and add one good habit, what would it be? I started running through my list of bad habits, After a number of three thousand four hundred and seventy-one, I thought, "OK, Asaac, choose one!" So, I decided on knuckle cracking. That's the one habit I want to get rid of. If I could magically add habit, I guess it would be "exercise every morning before I go to work". All of us had bad habits, some of them aren't so bad, these could be things like: not turning off the lights when leaving the room, or watching too much television. But, some of these bad habits are more serious, like: drinking too much, or smoking. I am glad I don't have those habits. There are lots of good habits we can pick up.
A person might try being nicer to people, or stop eating junk food, or try to be more punctual, not be later all the time.
Everyone probably wants to lose bad habits, or pick up good babit, how about you?
What would you like to add or substract from you life?
Talk about it?
1)what are your good habits?
2)what are your bad habits?
3)what's one bad habit you would like to get rid of?
4)what's one good habit you would like to add?
5)what would you like to change about your life?
6)Is there a habit that you have that is different or unique?
7)when breaking bad habits like smoking, people often say that they are cooking cold chocolate, do you know what this experience means?
8)what do you think the best method for breaking about a habit is?
9)how often do you have to perform action before you think it be comes a habit? |