CNN 2008-11-06(在线收听

From the CNN Center here in Atlanta, glad you are with us everyone, I'm Catherine Callaway. Here's a look at what's happening NOW IN THE NEWS.

"Yes we can……"

Some amazing video this morning from thousands who showed up outside / Barack Obama's future home chanting “Yes we can and Obama”, uniformed Secret Service officers were overheard saying that they've never seen anything like it. President-elect Obama will assume the White House officially January 20th.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell hailing the election of Barack Obama, Powell saying that Obama won because he was able to appeal to all kinds of voters regardless of race. "President-elect Obama did not put himself forward as an African-American president. He put himself forward as an American who happened to be black."

After such a long campaign and a real political combat for John McCain in winning his party's nomination, last night certainly a crushing defeat, but McCain was gracious in his concession speech and he urged his supporters to congratulate Obama. The Arizona senator also vowed to work with the new president on some of the tough challenges facing the country.

So were you thinking lower fuel prices could mean the end of special baggage fees on airlines? Think / again, the world’s largest carrier actually adding a baggage fee for the first time. The Associated Press reporting Delta will impose a 15-dollar surcharge for the first checked bag, $25 for the second. Delta is quick to add that it's cutting other fees to match with the policies of Northwest Airlines which it acquired last month. Those fees include SkyMiles, ticket surcharges and curbside check-in charges.

So be sure and stick with CNN.Com 24/7 for news around the world. Of course we will have updates right here throughout the day.
