CNN 2009-04-27(在线收听

The World Health Organization is calling it an emergency ofinternational concern Here is the latest. At least 81 deaths in Mexicoare likely linked to the virus. Testing confirms another 20 casesthere. And since yesterday, two more cases in the US have beenconfirmed, those in Kansas, the nine others in Texas and California. Sothat brings the total number of confirmed cases in the US to 11. Andthere could be more, test suggests swine flu is likely in eight NewYork school students. Also 22 students and teachers from New Zealand who just returned from Mexico may have been affected as well.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner talks money today with financeofficials from around the world. Geithner is attending closed-doormeetings of the joint World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Nowthe sessions are being held at the World Bank s headquarters inWashington this morning, then this afternoon, Geithner hosts round-table talks with treasury ministers from several African nations.

Students at Hampton University in Virginia have been on lockdown thismorning. Police are going over the scene of a shooting at a dormitory here. That took place just after midnight. Students weren‘t involved;instead though, police say a university employee and two other peoplewere hurt. We are also told that the suspect is a former student andthat person is in custody.

Every police department in the country is on the lookout for thismarketing professor from the University of Georgia. Take a good look.Police say George Zinkhan killed three people. One of them was hisex-wife. The shooting unfolded outside a community / theater in AthensGeorgia where the victims and the suspect all volunteered. Police say Zinkhan dropped off his children with a neighbor and he has not beenseen since.

Who could imagine something like this, a quiet Saturday, a normalSaturday, a neighbor asked you to watch the kids for an hour and, this,shock.

It s so difficult. I m just in complete knocked shock. I don t even I don t know why someone would do something like this.

You reach a certain age. You re going to know people that passed away,but not three people all of my time that three people that you knowwell, and then you ve just seen. That s just something that you don tperceive it is going to take place.

And to add to that shock, University of Georgia administrators tell usthat Zinkhan has an impeccable track record and teaching credentials.
