金属:Alghazanth - Moving Mountains(在线收听

歌曲:   Moving Mountains

艺人:   Alghazanth

音乐星级:   ★★★

所属专辑:   Wreath of Thevetat

发行年代:   2008

风格:   Black Metal

相关介绍:   2008年最为出色的交响黑金属唱片,Alghazanth来自芬兰。他们的音乐几乎摆脱了很多芬兰乐队概念上的雷同与重迭。沉重大气的交响黑暗之声,尽在这张Wreath of Thevetat 之中。可以说非常之美,无论是旋律还是键盘都给人一种一线大牌的感觉。与乐队之前的四张唱片相比,08年的这张新作感觉技术上更加出色,旋律更加流畅。在很多人眼里他们都是芬兰交响派黑金属的代表性人物,但至今他们的声音仍旧停留在地下,不过这张专辑无论从制作,录音还是宣传力度上来说都已经非常之专业,非常之精良。有很多人都将这张唱片定义为今年最佳黑金属唱片的备选,从各个角度上来看这都不无道理。残暴的riff,沉稳曼妙的键盘,以及咄咄逼人的黑嗓,这都是黑金属最为突出的特色。而Alghazanth则更突出旋律方面的配合与鼓对氛围的刻画,并且歌曲非常之庄严,没有一丝的做作与虚张声势。这是一张音乐性极强的唱片,非常值得推荐。



Song:Moving Mountains

As one rope loosens, another then tightens
far too long we've been strangled and tied
this sick circle of shame must now finally break
so that honour may again walk by our side

Roamers of the path of many paths
now the hour has come for us to act
with inhuman hatred and intensity
to ram down the monoliths of fallacy

At the mass grave of religions man's triumphant age begins
the heartblood of these tyrants will wash us clean of sin
we'll stand among the victors through this colossal war
the sight of moving mountains is what we are here for

The ethics and laws that we deeply abhor
have left mere rust and rot in their wake
so each such child of the holiest of lies
together with their fathers shall be slain

The storm of rebellion will never calm down
in the raging hearts of the truly devout
so hold not a moment more thy fury back
for swords are made to cut and daggers to stab

At the mass grave of religions man's triumphant age begins
the heartblood of these tyrants will wash us clean of sin
we'll stand among the victors through this colossal war
the sight of moving mountains is what we are here for

Enthralling is the scent of burning shrines
and the sound of crumbling hierarchies
as after this disgraceful time
the true nature in us can once again breathe

May lips wet with blood to the world now proclaim:
at last the Beast if free and, verily, so shall remain!

In the chanting winds of this glorious black night
we hold the scalps of the crushed rulers high
without swaying a hammer or piling any stones
where once their towers stood we raise our own

At the mass grave of religions man's triumphant age begins
the heartblood of these tyrants will wash us clean of sin
we'll stand among the victors through this colossal war
the sight of moving mountains is what we are here for
