英语口语红宝书 13(在线收听

Victor:Nancy, 让我们今天来谈一下关于友情的话题吧。

Nancy:“We’re just friends.” There’s a difference between a girlfriend and a female friend. A girlfriend is someone you’re romantically involved with, and a female friend is a man’s friend who just happens to be a woman.

Victor:千万要分清楚哦,女朋友是girlfriend,女性朋友是female friend。

Nancy:It works the same way if you’re a woman, with a boyfriend and male friend. But if you have a close female friend (if you’re a man) or a close male friend (if you’re a woman), people will ask you about it.

Victor:同理,如果你是女孩儿,男朋友是boyfriend,男性朋友是male friend。如果你有比较亲密的异性朋友,难免会有人好奇来问哦。

Nancy:You will say “Oh, we’re just friends.”


Nancy:we’re just friends.

Victor:we’re just friends.

Nancy:Okay! That’s all for today!


Nancy:see you next time
