访谈录 2008-11-09&11-11 有机地去捣蛋(在线收听

Not everything about Halloween has to be dark and scary, it can also be green as in eco-friendly. Here with some great ideas is Danny Seo, living-green contributor for Better Homes and Gardens.


Happy Halloween to you!

 Same to you,Danny.

Let's start with your solar power ghosts.

 Yeah, can we all have solar lights? and so they are as super energy efficient 'cause they use the power less on the charge-up. So why not just take an old bed sheet? Look what I'm gonna do. You hang it over the solar light, you take a little sharpie, draw on the face of ghost, look, you've got an illuminated ghost. So at night, when the sun goes down and solar lights turn on you’ve got these glowing ghosts hanging in the trees.

We have some video, there you go.(Isn’t that beautiful?)That's how it looks like, that's pretty awesome.(How gorgeous is that?)

And kinda spooky and it uses the power of super energy efficient lights in a very creative way.

Can’t beat that. OK,let's talk about those little ghost lights.(All right.)These're LED,right?

Yes, this is the newest thing in the string right now.LED stands for light emitting diode. So basically these lights they're like regular string lights, these are pumpkins. Here is a scary bat. They are gonna last 25,000 hours if you plug them in.


So if you do the math like 25,000. (Many Halloweens. )Three and a half years they will stay illuminated. If you plug them in today, three and a half years from now, you have to unplug them because they will finally burn out.

That is wonderful.

At $9.99, you can’t beat that.

I was just gonna say how did they compare to regular lights.

Yeah, so for the long term it's great and also if you can feel them, very safe, cos they don’t get hot to touch.

 I would, But I don’t reach. Yeah. Ok, there we go.

Max it.

So let’s talk about these, these are painted with nontoxic paint, which is the great idea.

Not just nontoxic paint, glow-in-the-dark paint. And Better Homes and Gardens, we are obsessed with glow-in-the-dark paint, because it is nontoxic but also it uses the power of sun to charge up this special paint in here, then you do little pathway with the glow-in-the-dark  rocks, they glow and create a path right at your front door.

Do we have video of that?

 No, no video.

But we can imagine. Ok, let’s go over to the jack-o’-lanterns. Now the ones you put candles in, you recommend using soy candles.

Yeah, soy we know is good for environment, coz it is made from renewable soy beans that it’s not paraffin-based and really inexpensive now. This is a fine one from Mathod, you can see right here, the soy, they last one and a half times longer in burn time than traditional candles. Meaning you jack-o-lantern for your(?) indoor parties or outdoors, it’s gonna stay illuminated a lot longer, so a really good choice. (and price?)And there getting much more comparative in price with regular candles. So if you think about how long they're actually gonna burn, you're gonna save money in the long run. And they come with this cool container too they're almost pumpkin shaped.

Speaking of cool containers what a great idea for a pottle.

Well, what do you do after Halloween with your jack-o-lantern? We can actually we recycle the pumpkin as a planter. You should never throw away your pumpkin. Because believe it or not, all those seeds if you throw them in landfill, they actually germinate in the landfill so they're having problems for the vines. Yeah, and it’s been actually horrific for the landfill. So you actually should chop it up and bury them in your own garden if you can. Or use it as planter.

 Great idea, all right. Let’s talk about recycling, egg cartons, cardboard. That’s a great idea too.

Well, who doesn’t have, just regular cardboard, like egg carton?  here.Take a sharpie, or some black paint, you can actually make these scary little bats. (All right.)Right here, this is the fun kids project (Yeah.) well, take an old cardboard box, cut it into the shape of tombs and write some of the creepy messages on it and put it outside.

You are recycling. Speaking of recycling, this is the best, let’s quickly go through the chocolate facial. How you could use your candy if you don’t need it at all.

Well, believe it or not, chocolate is a good feel because of the antioxidant in dark chocolate.

It’s incorporated into lots of facials in fancy spas.

Exactly, so why spend a lot of money, use a little bit of milk, rich dark chocolate, a little bit such..do you know. Wanna put on my hand?

 And actually put it on my skin, it is gonna to moisturize your skin. The antiorxidant would actually calm the redness on it (and then you can lick it out. ) It smells pretty good too.

 Yummy, tastiest facial I've ever had. 

 I know, and it is so easy just to steal out of your kids' Halloween treat bags and also hard candy too, you can recycle too. Just put like butterscotch joy…  into a clean coffee grinder. Take a little bit of your flavored powder sugar (Genius)put it inside the coffee and you’ve got a flavored treat.

 Danny ,see you.

 Thank you, Happy Halloween.

Thank you
