生活英语手册 094(6.促进理解-6.4许可与应答)(在线收听

  我可以进来吗? May I come in?
  我可以玩电子游戏吗? May I play vedio games?
  我可以问你一个问题吗? Can I ask you a question?
  可以用你的钢笔吗? Could I use your pen?
  我用信用卡支付可以吗? Is that all right if I pay by credit card?
  我坐这里可以吗? Is that all right if I sit here?
  我在这抽烟,你不介意吧? Do you mind if I smoke here?
  如果无妨的话 If that’s all right with you.
  允许我 Am I allow to?
  我要请两天假,行吗? Would it be possible for me to make two days off?
  不知我是否可以提早下班? I was wondering if I get possibly knock of ealier?
  当然可以 by all means
  可以,请吧! Go ahead!
  随你的便。 As your wish.
  一点都不,请吧。 Not at all , please do.
  如果你愿意。 If you like.
  你决定吧。 It is (It’s) up to you..
  你最好不。 I would (I’d) rather you did not (didn’t).
  对不起,这是不允许的! Sorry.That’s not allowed.
  恐怕不行。 I’m afraid not.
  恐怕这不可能。 I’m sorry that’s not possible.
  绝对不行! Over my did, buddy.
