饮食英语-Unit 03-杂货店(在线收听

  Unit 3
  Grocery store
  Expressing Preference in Snacks
  I prefer sweet food.
  I prefer liquorish toffee to Roman butter toffee.
  What flavor do you like?
  I don’t have any preference, any flavor will do.
  He likes eating junk food.
  I have a craving for candy bars.
  I feel like indulging myself in some junk food.
  I’m addicted to fast food.
  He’s a chocolate monster.
  I know junk food is so bad for me, but I just can’t resist it.
  She likes to eat for pleasure.
  We can’t watch movies without popcorn.
  I finished the left-over beef jerky.
  I’ve been snacking on chips and cookies.
  Can u get some soda pop on your way home?
  I always keep some soda crackers in my bag in case I’m hungry.
  He’s got bad teeth because he eats too much candy.
  Don’t eat too much now, or u’ll spoil ur appetite.
  B. in a Grocery Store
  Is there a Chinese grocery in this area?
  Are they edible?
  Besides Chinese sauces, do you also sell Japanese sauces?
  What’s in the five spices powder?
  It’s difficult to find a pickled bean curd in the western grocery.
  If couldn’t find a brown vinegar, you can substitute it with wine vinegar.
  Although it has a different name on the bag, it’s the same as what we usually get at home.
  Do you have more those baby carrots?
  Are these made here or imported from Hong Kong?
  There are more choices of the pickled vegetables in this grocery store.
  You have to soak this dry shrimp in hot water for 30 mins.
  Buying Snacks
  I didn’t have very much to eat for dinner. I’m kind of hungry now.
  That’s because you had crackers before dinner time. U always spoil ur appetite before ur meal.
  I can’t help it. I like eating snacks. Since we’re going to have a movie marathon tonight, I’d better start on some more chips.
  Get Pringle this time. The chips u bought last time are too salty.
  I like my chips salty. I know u have a sweet tooth, but I prefer savory food. What flavor do u want, sour creamy onions or salt and vinegar?
  Both are fine for me. Can u get me the barbecue flavor too?
  As u wish. We can’t watch movies without popcorn. Do we have any at home?
  U finish all the sour butter popcorn, we only have caramel flavor.
  Caramel popcorn? Rose, I’m going to get more salty ones. Can u also grab a bag of tea chips? There’re on u left.
  Are u going to make nachos? We have them leftover cheese and salsa, but we don’t have sour creamy and guacamole.
  Cheese and salsa will be fine with me. I don’t really like sour cream or guacamole any way. Is that everything? Do u want to get cookies? How about Oreos?
  I finished the whole bag of Oreos this afternoon. So biscuits would be nice. Have u tried this double chocolate digested biscuits? They’re good.
  No, thanks. Can we take off? I’m starving.
  Okay, let’s get some pop and we’ll go. What do u want, coke, cream soda?
  They’re too sweet; just get the bottle of ginger ale. I’ll run to next store to get some beer.
  Alright, I’ll meet u in the front of the liquor store.
  Hey, Tom, how r u doing?
  Hi, dear, I’m just getting some chocolate for my son, he’s a chocolate monster. He goes a bar of chocolate in ten mins.
  Well, I was kind of like him when I was a kid. My mom had to hide all the chocolate in the house from me. Otherwise, I’ll eat them all at once. So, what does ur son like? Mars bars?
  Oh, he will eat anything. Mars Bars, Hersheys, M&M, Snikers… U name it. Generally speaking, he prefers milk chocolate to dark chocolate. Sooner or later, his teeth will be rotten.
  My teeth are bad too, but I just can’t say no to sweets, especially chocolate. I think I’ll get this one, raisin and almond, they’re not as healthy as real fruit and nuts, but at least it’s not all junk in this bar. Well, I’ve got to go. Ken’s waiting for me. I’ll see u around.
  Bye, and say hi to Ken for me.
  I will, bye.
  Buying Chinese Groceries
  Thank u so much for coming with me today. If it wasn’t for u I won’t be able to carry all the stuff back by myself.
  My pleasure! I’ve always wanted to check out the ancient stores in this neighborhood. I love ancient food. And I’ve been curious about what they put in those dishes. Do u cook Chinese food at home?
  Most of the time. But it’s difficult to get a lot of the ingredients I need to make Chinese dishes.
  Yeah, I see what u mean. So, what’re we going to buy for the party?
  I have a list here. Let’s start with the sauces and the spices.
  In an Ancient Grocery
  What r those black shits? They look like carbon copy paper. Are they edible?
  Of course, they are. In facts, u see them everywhere. Let me give u a hint. It’s found in the ocean.
  It beats me. Give me some more clues. Okay, another hint, sushi.
  It’s seaweed.
  Bingo. Okay, first we need spice bags for the stew. Excellent, here they are.
  They smell kind of funny. What’s in the spice bags?
  Star anise, five spice powder and some other spices. We usually throw the whole bag in the pot with meat, eggs, bean curd, leek and vegetables. U’ll have a chance to try the stew at the party. They taste pretty good.
  I can’t wait to try it. What else do we need from the store?
  Let me see we need dry mushrooms. They’re right behind u.
  Can u pass me two bags, please?
  Here u go. U don’t eat those mushrooms dry, do u?
  No, before we cook them, we soak them in hot water until they turn soft. … Excuse me, do u sell bean curd skins here?
  We don’t have it. Wang’s Grocery might have it.
  Wang’s Grocery? Is it close by?
  Yes, it’s just two blocks away, on the corner of Park street and Well Linton road.
  At Wang’s Grocery
  Wow, Wang’s Grocery are lot cheaper than those other grocery store, they are more choices and the stuff here look better. We should come here first.
  Well, now u know where u should go for a quality ancient grocery next time. Did u find the bean curd skin?
  Yes, I did. I also found preserved sushi and vegetables and black fungus.
  Well, they all sound pretty wired. But I’m sure they taste good.
  can't do sth for toffee (BrE) = be very bad at doing it
  He can't dance/sing for toffee!
  craving = a strong or uncontrollable desire
  A candy bar is a long, thin, sweet food, usually covered in chocolate. (AM)
  Lollipop 棒棒糖
  beef jerky = strips of dried beef 肉松 dried meat flakes
  Soda pop is a sweet fizzy drink. (AM)= soda
  A soda cracker is a thin, square, salty biscuit. (AM)
  Spoil = to change sth good into sth bad = RUIN
  Appetite = physical desire for food
  Five Spices Powder = a mixture of five spices used in Chinese cuisine.
  Pickle = a vegetable that has been preserved in VINEGAR or salt water
  brown vinegar 香醋 white/rice vinegar 白醋
  wine vinegar = a type of vinegar made from sour wine
  a small piece of food that tastes of salt or SPICES and is not sweet. Savories are usually served at parties as snacks.
  Caramel焦糖 = a type of hard sticky sweet/candy made from butter, sugar and milk
  nachos / ?nɑ?t?ouz/= a kind of Mexican food consisting of small pieces of tortillas covered with cheese, beans etc 墨西哥脆片
  salsa 莎莎酱= a sauce eaten with Mexican food
  guacamole牛油果酱 /?gwɑ?k??m?uli/ = a Mexican dish of crushed avocado /??v??kɑ?d?u/ mixed with onion, tomatoes, chilies, etc.
  Sour cream = cream that has been artificially made sour, being mixed with bacteria.
  cream soda = a sweet fizzy drink, tasted vanilla.
  ginger ale = a clear fizzy drink that does not contain alcohol, flavoured with ginger, and often mixed with alcoholic drinks
  The Mars Bar is a chocolate bar manufactured by Mars Inc. It was first manufactured in the United Kingdom in 1932 as a sweeter version of the American Milky Way bar which Mars
  star anise 大茴香/八角
