移动英语-精选对话2级第 1 部分-05(在线收听

  A: What kind of dress are you looking for?
  B: Since it’s getting warmer, I want something lightweight. What material do you think would be best?
  A: Let’s see. There is. We can go to several stores. Personally I like a cotton dress for spring.
  B: So do I. And I could wear all summer too. I want something I can use for a long time.
  A: What color would you like? Yellow and green would be good colors for you.
  B: Oh, I want a white dress.
  A: Are you sure? It’s not a very practical color. It gets dirty so fast.
  B: I know. But I am getting married on Saturday. And white is the traditional color for a wedding dress.
  A: There are some many kind of dresses. They are very beautiful.
  B: Let’s choose some.
  Unit Ten What to wear today? ( Stella’s husband is going to attend a party, so he asked Stellar about what to wear)
  A: Stella, I’m going to attend a party tonight. What should I wear?
  B: Is it formal or informal?
  A: I guess it’s formal.
  B: Then you should dress well.
  A: That’s right.
  B: I think a white with a blue tie looks nice on you.
  A: You are smart.
  B: Of course. The sport shoes don’t go with the formal occasion.
  A: You’re right. What kind of shoes should I wear?
  B: The brown leather shoes go well with your trousers.
  A: Good idea. Oh, by the way, would you please pick me up after the party, honey?
  B: It’ll be too late. You’d better take a taxi.
  A: Okay.
