万用英语口语句典36 劝告(在线收听

02.01.12 劝告
1, Don't be like that.
2, It'll work out in the end.
3, It worth of the effort.
4, You must learn how to handle it.
5, You can't took over the crisis that way.
6, I good time.
Don't get all bent out of shape!
8, Don't do that.
9, I rather you didn't
10, Don't be a blabbermouth.
11, Don't work yourself into a tizzy.
12, Do you think you could go a little slower?
Don't get all excited.
14, Just be natural.
It'll get you nowhere.
16, Hold your horses.
17, I never ask you for help, so please.
18, Don't fall of the handle.
19, I don't think it's necessary.
20, listen to me just once.