音乐咖啡厅:Joanna - 4th Of July(在线收听

歌曲:   4th Of July

艺人:   Joanna

音乐星级:   ★★★★★

所属专辑:   This Crazy Life

发行年代:   2006

风格:   Pop

相关介绍:   全名Joanna Pacitti,1984年10月6日生于Philadelphia,Pennsylvania。Joanna很小的时候就在父亲的理发店为顾客唱歌,用挣得的小费去杂货店买些糖果。充满天赋的Joanna很快参加了当地电视台举办的选秀活动。在百老汇的巡回演出期间,她得到了许多登台演出的机会,在国家周年纪念巡回演出里她参与了106场演出,但不幸的是Joanna患上了支气管炎,遗憾不能继续演出,在没有Joanna的情况下,演出依然得到了观众的关注和支持。
       从那开始使Joanna变得更加坚强,也开始让她在音乐的道路决定继续走下去。幸运是16岁的Joanna被曾捧红Christina Aguilera和许多歌星的著名音乐人Ron Fair看上,Joanna过人的才能被Ron Fair所认同并立即签了和约,那时的Joanna才16岁。
      现年21岁的她发行了自己的新专辑《This Crazy Life》,灵感来自亲身的体会。这是一张很独立自主的专辑,首支单曲"Let It Slide" 颇有颂歌的韵味,另为一首佳作"Miracle"走的是民谣路线,蕴涵了很多情感在其中,同时也不忘加入时下最流行的摇滚曲风的“Tip Toe”,当红制作人linda pery还为她创作了"Miracle,"可见Joanna的人气,值得一提的是,"4th of July",这首歌是Joanna16岁时创作的,年纪轻轻就可以有如此的音乐天赋实在不多见。专集中一首"Just When You're Leaving"描写的是悲伤的romantic,总之这是一张很多元化作品,还有Joanna充满激情力量的嗓音,相信一定不会让大家失望。



Song:4th Of July

Every little kiss I tend to hold
Precious in my heart you've turned to gold
Love's not the word to explain
Just how I feel
It seemed like a dream but I'm wide-awake
And like the earth inside it made me shake
Like a summer fairytale, but it was real
You set off a brand new kind of spark inside of me
And I wouldn't leave your lips even to breathe

The first time I saw you, you were lighting up the sky
Like bright flashing fireworks on the 4th of July
I won't forget and I don't regret
Losing my myself deep inside of your eyes
That night I'll remember for the rest of my life

I cherish all the moments that we spent
I only wish it never had to end
I can take a journey in my mind to yesterday
I'll use the moon and stars to guide me there
A place so far away but yet so near
Just to hold you one more time, I'd be ok
You set off a brand new kind of spark inside of me
And I wouldn't leave your lips even to breathe

The first time I saw you, you were lighting up the sky
Like bright flashing fireworks on the 4th of July
I won't forget and I don't regret
Losing my myself deep inside of your eyes
That night I'll remember for the rest of my life

I feel I left my world, my life, my breath behind
But I know the sun will shine through
Cause I know that again I'll see you
This can't be goodbye
We'll meet again on the 4th of July

The first time I saw you, you were lighting up the sky
Like bright flashing fireworks on the 4th of July
I won't forget and I don't regret
Losing my myself deep inside of your eyes
That night I'll remember for the rest of my life
