
SCENE⑤ B  几天之后  赫伯特冲进酒吧



Don:                     But he thinks you're a girl! He'll want to be more than friends!

唐:                     但他以为你是女的!他可不想只做朋友!


Herbert:         I know, so I need your advice again.

赫伯特:                     我知道,所以我又要你的建议了。


Don:              If I were you, I'd get a good 1) psychiatrist.

唐:                     假如我是你,我会去找一个好的心理医生。


Herbert:                     Stop joking. I'll just start by talking to him about his interests.

赫伯特:                     不要闹了。我只会从他有兴趣的事开始聊起。


Don:                     He'll think you're strange.

唐:                     他会觉得你很奇怪。


Herbert:   No, we won't. We'll 2) get along great. We're both 30-year-olds who like computers.

赫伯特:                     才不会。我们会处得很好。我们都三十岁,又都喜欢电脑。


Don:   All I can say is meet here at this bar so I can see this. It's going to be interesting.

唐:                     我只能说,请你们约在这个酒吧见面,这样我才看得到。这一定很好玩!




A: Are you two seeing each other?



B: No, we just get along really well.



If I were you, I'd(would)...假如我是你,我会……】




All I can say is... 我只能说……】


除了……我不知要说什么 ,这句话用于非常惊讶或无奈,几乎无话可说的时候。


1) psychiatrist  (n.) 心理医师

2) get along great 处得很好
