
SCENE⑥ A  同一时间  在钢琴学校



Sue:                   Did you 1) try out the chat rooms yet?

苏:            你试过网络聊天室了吗?


Rose:                   Yeah, but there're so many people just using the Net to 2) fool around!

柔丝:                   有,但是有好多人利用网络乱搞!


Sue:            So did you meet anyone?

苏:            你遇到了什么人吗?


Rose:             3) You could say so. I pretended to be a 4) middle-aged man and ended up 5)asking a 16-year-old girl out. Can you believe it? She 6) accepted!

柔丝:         可以这么说。我装成一个中年男人,最后邀一个十六岁女孩出来。你相信吗?她居然答应了!


Sue:                   Why? Are you crazy?

苏:            干嘛?你疯啦?


Rose:                   Because I wanted to show her how easy it is to be 7) tricked on the Internet!

柔丝:         因为我想让她知道在网络上有多容易受骗!  


Sue:                   Why?

苏:            为什么?


Rose:          I’m a teacher. It's my job to help young girls.

柔丝:         我是老师。帮助年轻女孩是我的工作。


Sue:                   You're really 8) one-of-a-kind, Rose.

苏:            你实在是千古奇人,柔丝。




A: I want to try out a new restaurant.



B: OK. There's one around the corner.



fool around  闲荡,游手好闲】


around原意有四处,到处的意思。从字面上来看fool around, 就可以感觉到一个人呆头呆脑的乱晃,也就是鬼混的意思。例如:


A:They always fool around when the boss is not in the office.


B:They will be fired some day. 



1) try out 试试看

2) fool around 乱来

3  you could say so 你可以这么说

4) middle-aged (a.)中年的

5) ask...out 约……出来

6) accept  (v.) 接受,答应

7) trick  (v.) 诱骗

8) one-of a kind (n.) 异类
