Zimbabwe's PM alleges persecution(在线收听

Zimbabwe(津巴布韦) Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has accused the Zanu-PF party of President Robert Mugabe of persecuting his MDC group.

He said Zanu-PF violated(侵犯) the law and spread "the language of hate", and vowed not to let it continue.

Mr Tsvangirai and President Mugabe signed a power-sharing agreement a year ago, after a disputed election.

Meanwhile EU envoys completed talks with Zimbabwe's leaders, and said there were still concerns about human rights.

On Sunday Mr Tsvangirai spoke at a rally marking 10 years of his Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).

"I am not going to stand by while Zanu-PF continues to violate the law, persecutes our members of parliament, spreads the language of hate, invades(入侵) our productive farms [and] ignores our international treaties," he said.

EU: 2002 to present
Assets freeze and travel ban on some Mugabe allies, arms-sale ban
US: 2003 to present
Trade ban against 250 Zimbabwean individuals and 17 companies
Other countries
Canada, Australia and UK among nations to have imposed their own targeted sanctions
Sources: EU, Reuters, US treasury, UK Foreign Office

Tentative thaw in EU-Zimbabwe ties
He went on: "We want partners who are going to commit themselves to good governance principles(原则).

"We cannot have partners of looters."

The EU talks, lasting two days, were the first in seven years with Mr Mugabe.

The delegation said more needed to be done to stabilise the year-old power-sharing agreement, as the leaders disagreed on its terms.

European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid Karel de Gucht said: "They do not have the same reading of the same document.

"They have a different reading on how this should be done and at what speed."

The reports of human-rights violations were also "unacceptable and not the spirit" of the agreement, said Swedish Development Minister Gunilla Carlsson.

President Mugabe had earlier said the talks had gone well, while again calling for international sanctions imposed since disputed presidential election in 2002 to be lifted.

