华尔街基础英语Lesson 60(在线收听

Good morning, John.
Morning, Hugo.
You’ve got a bicycle now. I see, good idea. It’s much better for you than going by car.
I prefer going by car.
I see, well.
But I’ve sold my car, you see. And I only got $500 for it. Only $500?
Oh, dear. What a shame! Well I must be going!
Now that I don’t work at Plastic Box any more. I can’t afford a car.
What a pity! Well, see you, John.
See you. Give my love to Annie!
Geez, it’s hard work! I smoke too much, that’s the problem!
Gosh, look at that gird over there!  Isn’t she amazing?
I wonder if she’d like to go out with me? If I go over to she and say-aaagh!
Look where you are going, can’t you?
Gee, my head!
Are you alright, dear?
What happened?
You fell off your bicycle, dear. Shall I call am ambulance?
No, I’ll be alright. I must hurry; I’ll be late for work!
What am I going to do?
I guess I’ll have to leave the bike here and take the bus.
Morning, Mr. Cashbox, I’m sorry I’m late.
I’ve just had a really terrible accident on my bicycle; I almost died!
I’m not interested in your private life, Mr. Berry.
If you get here late once again, I’ll fire you, Ok? Now get to work.
Gee, yes, thank you Sir. You’re just too kind, Sir.
What kind of job is this, Anyway?
Still, you never know.
Perhaps one day a beautiful girl in a Rolls Royce will come in and say “Why don’t you come away with me?”
Hey, you! You with the glasses.
I’ll get into her car, and away we’ll go, and
What’s the matter with you? Are you asleep or something?
Oh, I’m sorry!
Listen, I’m taking the highway to Now Camford, and I don’t want to have to stop. So fill it up, please.
Fill what up?
This truck, of course!
There’s the tank! Here’s the key! You turn the key to open the tank. Got it? Now where’s the toilet, please?
Go past the office, and it’s on your, or right.
Help! There’s a man in here! Help!
I’m sorry, madam. I thought this was the gentleman’s toilet.
Sorry about that!
What that your idea of a joke? You show me the ladies toilet, you Hey, What the hell you think you’re doing?
Sorry, I’m new here. What’s the matter now?
You’re putting gas in the tank!
I’m sorry! Er… where did you want me to put it?
I don’t believe this! I’m going to complain to your boss. Hey!
Yes? Any problems?
Yes? Any problem?
Yes, plenty! The attendant of yours has just shown me to the ladies toilet, and filled me tank with gas!
I’m sorry, sir. What have I done wrong?
Haven’t you learned yet that you put diesel in you a truck?
Gee yes! Of course! I remember now! I won’t make that mistake again, sir, believe me!
No, you won’t! You won’t get a chance to make it again. You’re fired!
Oh, no, sir! Please give me another chance! Perhaps I can do something else! I can clean the cars, perhaps. I’ll put water in their types and air in their radiators. I mean air in their tyres and. Just get out of here, will you!
