CNN 2009-09-20(在线收听

A subway attack in Mexicocity, see this kind of scoffer break out on your left side, a man witha gun who just went at with a police officer, shot the officer. Yousee people in filed out here, but that’s him acctually he get on the subwayagain. This is in Mexico and continues to shoot, people \ kind ofscattered, two officers weak understand are dead. The gunman was finallytaken down. He is now facing some homicide charges.

Najibullah Zazi and hisattorney have denied for days that he has had any links with Al Qaeda,but on an administration official familiar with the matter says that \ Zazi has now admitted having ties with Al Qaeda. Theofficial says the government right now was exploring what kind ofcharges that might be able to bring against him. And that down theroad, there is a possibility of some kind of a plead agreement. \ Zazi has been undergoing questioning for three days by theFBI and we do not know what kind of information he had shared withthem. But on Friday night, a homeland security note went out to transit officials and also to state and local law enforcement. A DHSstatement about that, says in part, while DHS and FBI have noinformation regarding the timing, location or target of any plannedattack, we believe it prudent to remind transit authorities to remainvigilant. Now law enforcement authorities have been saying, since lastweekend that they believed this case was a real deal, a real terroristthreat. In fact that Zazi has now admitted ties with Al Qaedawhich seem to substantiate that claim.

President Obama says therehas been real progress in dealing with worldwide recession but he addsin his weekly address that’s out today for this steps need to be taken.

All of us need add moreresponsibly, on behalf of a better economic future, that’s why in nextweek’s G20 Summit, we’ll discuss some of the steps that are required tosafeguard our global financial system and close gaps in regulation aroundthe world. Gaps that permitted the kinds of reckless waste taking andirresponsibility that lead to the crisis. That’s why we’ve called oncongress to put in place a series of tough common sense rules of theworld that’ll protect consumers from abuse, let markets function fairlyand freely and help prevent the crisis like this from ever happeningagain.

Republicans reevaluate their weekly address with attack democratic plans overhaul healthcare. Congressman Sue Myrick spoke to the GOP.

These so-called healthcarereform have different names, a public option, a co-op, a trigger, madeno mistake, these are all give ways to government-run healthcare. Forsmall business owners, these proposals mean higher taxes at a time whenunemployment is nearing ten percent. And analysts start predicting thatany kind of recovery would be a jobless one. And for seniors, expectmassive cuts to Medicare which in unacceptable under any circumstances.Doing this now without implementing significant reforms to make theprogram more efficient will lead seniors accessible to the ration inthis care.

Myrick also spoke about her battle with cancer, saying her diagnoses along to six doctors, three mammograms, one ultrasound before being located. Myrick said the process a few weeks butwithout taking a far longer in a country with a government runhealthcare.
