CNN 2009-09-27(在线收听

Three suicide bombs in Pakistan to tell you about. The attacks killed 15 people. The deadliest, west of Islamabad and Peshawar. Eight people were killed near a state-owned bank and a military hospital in Peshawar. Another attack killed six people at a police station in the northwest frontier. And a third blast killed one  person near the Indian border. People, in fact more than a hundred of them were injured in the three attacks.

Iran's leader firing back after President Obama accused his country of violating international agreements with its nuclear program. The President has strong words after learning that Iran has a second Uranium enrichment plant yesterday that's when they learned that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called President Obama's claims "baseless" in an exclusive interview with Larry King last night, take a listen:

(Ahmadinejad)Well I believe he's made a mistake. The mistake is very clear. We informed the agency even before we were required to about the facilities' operation. So how can he possibly accused us of secretly engaging in an activity that did not take place. This is a big mistake,  accusing us of an action that did not take place."

(Betty )What is the US's next move ?
(Another hostess)Well, you know, Betty, President Obama wants an investigation into the second nuclear facility. The US and other countries, as you know Betty,  have long suspected Iran of trying to develop a nuclear weapon. Ur, President Obama very much of course now wants Teheran to open the second site to international inspectors. And on the heels of the G-20 Summit in Pitzburg, President Obama says that the world is more united than ever when it comes to Iran and he vowed that if Teheran doesn't cooperate, there will be consequences. Here's how we put it this morning in his weekly radio and internet address.

(Obama): "All of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and Germany have made it clear that Iran must fulfill its responsibilities. Iran's leaders must now choose–they can live up to the responsibilities and achieve integration with the community of nations. Or they will face increased pressure and isolation, and deny opportunity to their own people."
