
  170. The barstool pest酒巴高脚凳上的害虫 pertinent-pinpoint
  A man sitting in a bar noticed a beautiful woman a few stools down. The physiological possibilities of this sort of phenomena pervaded the man’s mind and pierced his thoughts. He turned to her and said, “Madame, if I may petition to express my opinion, I find your physiology quite picturesque and your pigment perfect.” Appearing quite perturbed, her mouth dropped open like a petal from a flower. “Please do not be a pest,” she replied. The man decided to take the approach of philology at this phase of the conversation and commented on her phonetics, “If I may say so, your stops, affricates, and especially your bi-labials are phenomenally attractive.” “Your pestilential comments are not pertinent,” replied the woman even more perturbed. Trying to pinpoint why the woman was such a pillar of frigidity, the man resorted to a sort of pilferage of her person and simply reached over and pinched her bottom. “Pervert!” she yelled, “Pestilence deserves pesticide.” She picked up a can of Raid from behind the counter and aimed it at the man, who suddenly appeared to petrify. Just then the bartender stepped in and said, “I too consider your physiology and phonetics phenomenal. Do not blame this poor man for being overcome with passion.” The woman’s heart softened, and she put down the bug spray, “Well, I guess you’re not such a pest after all. In fact, you’re kind of cute when you’re petrified. What’s your name?”
  pertinent adj.相关的,切题的,中肯的
  perturb v.使不安,扰乱
  pervade v.弥漫,渗透
  pervert v.使堕落,引入歧途,曲解,滥用n.性变态者
  pest n.害虫,有害的东西
  pesticide n.杀虫剂
  pestilence n.瘟疫
  pestilential adj.引起瘟疫的
  petal n.花瓣
  petition n.请愿v.请求,恳求,请愿
  petrify v.石化,吓呆
  phase n.阶段,态
  phenomena n.现象
  phenomenally adv.明白地,显著地
  philology n.语言学,文献学
  phonetics n.语音学
  physiological adj.生理学的,生理上的
  physiology n.生理学
  picturesque adj.似画的,美丽的
  pierce vt.穿透,戳穿
  pigment n.色素,颜料
  pilferage n.行窃,偷盗
  pillar n.柱,柱子
  pinch vt.掐,夹痛
  pinpoint vt.准确地确定,用针标出…的精确位置,找出(原因),查明
