
  184. Recipe for a recluse隐士的处方 recession-rectify
  It is difficult to recount how I ended up this way. It is my recollection that it was the recommendation of my financial advisor that I sell off all my stocks and holdings. Only in this way could I reconcile matters with my creditors. I recoiled in horror on the day that the recession turned into a depression. It caused the stock market to drop to its lowest point in fifty years. My investing was not reckless. As others, I invested strictly according to what my stockbroker recommended. Who would think that this little recession would go so far?
  After I lost everything, I had to move out of my two-story house in the suburbs. My wife and kids went to live with her parents. I am now living in a dirty little rectangular room downtown. I have a little rectangle for a coffee table and a little rectangle for a bed. I don’t dare go out for fear that I will be recognized by one of my creditors. Upon recognition, they may come and take what little I have left. My recreational activities are limited. I have little recreation aside from my books. I went to my niece’s piano recital last month in the dark, incognito. I must live as a recluse.
  I want to reclaim my life, I want to rectify the situation with my creditors, and I want reconciliation with my wife and family. I reckon it will take some time yet. As the country is trying to reconstruct, the unemployed are gradually being recruited by the government for jobs all around the country, but I have not yet been qualified as a recipient of such welfare. I have been a good citizen; I would simply like reciprocal treatment from the government. Perhaps I can get a job on a construction site somewhere or do farm labor. As for now, I must follow the recipe that has been prescribed to me. I must remain a recluse.
  recession n.萧条时期,(经济)衰退
  recipe n.食谱,处方
  recipient n.接受者,接收者
  reciprocal adj.相互的,互惠的
  recital n.独奏会
  reckless adj.轻率的,鲁莽的
  reckon vt.计算;估计
  reclaim vt.开垦;要求归还,收回
  recluse n.隐士
  recognition n.赞誉,承认
  recognize vt.识别,辨认
  recoil vi.弹回,反冲;(因恐惧\厌恶等)畏缩,退缩
  recollection n.回忆,记忆
  recommend vt.推荐,劝告
  recommendation n.推荐,介绍(信)
  reconcile v. 和解,调和,调解
  reconciliation n. 和解
  reconstruct vt. 重建,改造
  recount vt. 叙述,描写
  recreation n.消遣,娱乐
  recreational adj.娱乐的
  recruit vt.征兵,征募,补充
  rectangle n.长方形
  rectangular adj.矩形的,长方形的
  rectify vt.矫正,调整
