
  195. The satirist讽刺作家 sandy-scarce
  A satirist is a kind of writer who writes satirical works. He allows his readers to savor readings that are saturated with sarcasm. He satiates his readers with satire and satiric comedy. For example, one writer wrote of a skinny little man sitting on a sandy beach when a muscle-bound he-man with a sardonic smile comes along and kicks sand in his face and says, “I’m going to beat the sap out of you.” turns out, the skinny little man is actually an alien from another palnet. A flying saucer suddenly appears, a beam of light comes down from the saucer and scans the beach until it finds the muscle-bound he-man, who is then zapped up into the flying saucer. In the flying saucer, the man finds himself surrounded by creatrues who look somewhat human but with fish-like scales. These scaled creatures then use their advanced technology to make the man even skinnier than the alien on the beach. The man is then zapped back to the beach where he is forced to be a sanitation worker responsible for the sanitary conditions of the beach. He is daily ridiculed for his low position and skinniness.
  Another example of satire is a story of a politician who is involved in a scandal. The media saturates the public with news that paints the politician black. In order to find a satisfactory method of escaping charges, he spends his entire savings on lawyers’ fees. He exhausts every method to save himself, but he realizes that he had been made a scapegoat by his superiors. His behavior and actions have been ridiculed by everyone, but he is actually innocent.
  The satirist makes his living by ridiculing human frailties and being sarcastic towards public figures, the source of which is never scarce.
  sandy adj.沙的,多沙的
  sanitary adj.(有关)卫生的
  sanitation n.(公共,环境)卫生
  sap n.树液,汁液,体液
  sarcasm n.讽刺,挖苦
  sarcastic adj. 讽刺的,挖苦的
  sardonic adj. 讽刺的,嘲笑的
  satiate v.满足,使过饱
  satire n.讽刺,讽刺文学
  satiric adj.讽刺的,挖苦的
  satirical adj.含讥讽意味的,嘲讽的
  satirist n.讽刺作家
  satisfactory adj.令人满意的,符合要求的
  saturate vt.浸透,使湿透
  saturated adj.渗透的,饱和的
  saucer n.茶碟,垫盘,碟形物
  save prep.除…之外vt.拯救,保留
  savings n.储蓄,存款
  savor n.滋味,气味,特定的味道或气味vt.尽情享受
  scale vt.攀登n.等级,刻度,规模,鳞片
  scaled adj.有鳞状斑点的,有鳞的
  scan vt.扫描,细看,审视
  scandal n.丑闻
  scapegoat n.替罪羊,代人受过的人
  scarce adj.缺乏的,稀有的,罕见的
