
  207. The spontaneous and sporadic spotlight不请自来和偶然出现的聚光灯 spontaneity-stable
  Fame can be spontaneous. I don’t like spontaneity. It can also be sporadic. Like a mountain spring that flows plentifully, I was squarely ensconced within the stability of stardom. Now things are not so stable. The spotlight is no longer shining in my face and my spurt with fame seems to be over.
  I’m an actor, and my troubles all began with my agent, Morty Fineman. He became jealous of my success, and wanted nothing more than to squash any opportunity that might present itself to me, especially those real wonderful opportunities that leave you wondering, “How could this script squeeze by the likes of Tom Cruise?” My spouse warned me to sign with another agent, but I felt certain that Morty had what it took to stablize my career. At first, this was the case. I received many lucrative offers in this large urban sprawl we call Los Angeles. I was working in all the nice places, even the hottest spot of them all, Hollywood. Entertainment Magazine said I would sprout into a new Paul Newman.
  Then, seemingly on the spur of the moment, Morty started a squabble. It got so bad he tried to stab me and I had to call the police squad. They used pepper spray to subdue him. At the trial, Morty tried to spout some nonsense about how I attacked him. Morty was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, so, of course, he received no jail time.
  I was once a famous actor. It’s a long way from my current factory job-I squirt oil into the hinges of doors that squeak. Thanks to the spontaneous nature of the spotlight, I may yet again be famous.
  spontaneity n.自然,自发
  spontaneous adj.自然发生的,不由自主的
  spoon n.匙,勺子
  sporadic adj.不定时发生的,零星的
  spot n.地点,场所v.发觉,发现
  spotlight v.强调,突出n.重点,聚光灯
  spouse n.配偶
  spout v.喷出,涌出
  sprawl vi.散乱的延伸,四肢摊开着坐,卧或倒下n.扩展,蔓延,延伸地区
  spray n.喷雾,飞沫vt.向…喷射,喷
  spring n.泉水v.跳跃
  sprout vi.长出,萌芽
  spur n.踢马刺,冲动,刺激vt.刺激,鞭策
  spurt v.喷出,涌出
  squabble n.口角,争论
  squad n.小队,班
  squarely adv.坚实地,坚固地,明确地,公正地
  squash n.南瓜v.压碎,挤压,镇压
  squeak v.(老鼠或物体)吱吱作响
  squeeze vt.榨,挤进,塞进
  squirt vi.喷出,溅进
  stab v.刺伤,戳
  stabikity n.稳定性
  stabilize vt.使稳定,使坚固
  stable adj.稳定的,相对固定的
