
  219. A testimony of fear有关恐惧的证言 terrain-thread
  The terrain of the Rocky Mountains terrifies me. Some people think such terrestrial wonders to be terrific, but I must testify-they fill me with terror so thorough that the texture of my skin becomes covered with goose bumps. This theft of my usual equanimity bothers me, and not just in a theoretical sense. Therefore, I avoid such high mountains. I also don’t like the fact that I must wear thermal underwear. The thermometer dips below freezing temperatures. Walking into a heated building during winter is a thawing process. As your body readjusts to room temperature, you feel a tingling everywhere, your head, hair, arms, thighs, and feet. Please don’t believe that the theme of this essay is negative. My thesis is simply that some places are suitable for some people and some places are not. For example, I am happy in the textile regions of upstate South Carolina, but someone else may very well get excited about the thorny bush regions of thick wooded area. I’m a thoughtful person. I don’t like cold weather and I will not be held in thrall to it. I respect others, and I thereby realize we all have our own unique likes and dislikes. A thorn in my side is not necessarily a thorn in your side. You might say that diversity is the thread that holds us all together. So, while I will never go to the Rocky Mountains again, I encourage others to view such a place. My testimony is simply that-mine, no one else’s. John Denver may have sang of his “Rocky Mountain High”, but I call it Rocky Mountain Terror.
  terrain n.地势,地形
  terrestrial adj.地球(上)的,陆地的
  terrific adj.极好的
  terrify vt.使恐怖,使惊吓
  terror n.恐怖
  testify v.证明,证实,作证
  testimony n.证言,证词(尤指在法庭所做的)
  textile n./ad j. 纺织品,纺织的
  texture n.质地,(材料等的)结构
  thaw n. 解冻v.解冻,融化
  theft n.偷窃
  theme n.(谈话,写作等的)题目,主题
  theoretical adj.理论上的
  thereby adv.因引,从而
  therefore adv.因此,所以
  thermal adj.热的,热量的
  thermometer n.温度计
  thesis n.论题,论文
  thigh n.大腿
  thorn n.刺,棘
  thorny adj.有刺的,多刺的
  thorough adj.完全的,彻底的
  thoughtful adj.体贴的,考虑周到的,有思想性的
  thrall n.奴隶,奴役,束缚
  thread n.线
